Gravestone Photographs Resource breadcrumb list for grave 152160Details of grave number 152160 at Latona Glenelg Township for Hector Stewart

Hector Stewart grave monument in Latona cemetery, Glenelg Township, Ontario, Canada

Hector Stewart grave monument: legible names and details

full nameburial
Hector Stewart
1869 1869
Malcolm Stewart
1876111865brother of Hector Stewart
Hector Stewart
father of Hector Stewart
Christena Stewart
mother of Hector Stewart
Effie Stewart
187821876son of Hector Stewart

Breadcrumb trail images to help find Hector Stewart grave location

(30 thumbnails before and after the grave with GPR number 152160)

The following thumbnail images are the 30 taken before and 30 after the one for Hector Stewart was taken.

The grave monument thumbnail image for Hector Stewart below has a background colour of green to help identify it.

Hopefully some of these thumbnails will help you locate the Hector Stewart grave.

image: LAJohnMacCallumTall
grave: 152130
John McCallum
image number LAJohnMacCallumTall
image: LAJohnMcDonald
grave: 152131
John McDonald
image number LAJohnMcDonald
image: LAJohnMcIntosh
grave: 152132
John McIntosh
image number LAJohnMcIntosh
image: LAJohnMcKenzie
grave: 152133
John McKenzie
image number LAJohnMcKenzie
image: LAjohnMills
grave: 152134
John Mills
image number LAjohnMills
image: LAJohnMillscu
grave: 152135
John Mills
image number LAJohnMillscu
image: LAJohNMillsTall
grave: 152136
John Mills
image number LAJohNMillsTall
image: LAJohnMorrisBartley
grave: 152137
John Morris Bartley
image number LAJohnMorrisBartley
image: LAJohnMorrow
grave: 152138
John Morrow
image number LAJohnMorrow
image: LAJohnMurdoch
grave: 152139
John Murdoch
image number LAJohnMurdoch
image: LAJohnSmith
grave: 152140
John Smith
image number LAJohnSmith
image: LAJohnSmith
grave: 152141
John Smith
image number LAJohnSmith
image: LAJohnSmithTall
grave: 152142
John Smith
image number LAJohnSmithTall
image: LAJohnStewart
grave: 152143
John Stewart
image number LAJohnStewart
image: LAJohnStewartTall
grave: 152144
John Stewart
image number LAJohnStewartTall
image: LAJohnWade
grave: 152145
John Wade
image number LAJohnWade
image: LAJohnWilkie
grave: 152146
John Wilke
image number LAJohnWilkie
image: LAJosephKing
grave: 152147
Mary King
image number LAJosephKing
image: LAJosephYoungTall
grave: 152148
Joseph Young
image number LAJosephYoungTall
image: LAJuliaRose
grave: 152149
Julia L Rose
image number LAJuliaRose
image: LALargeHughLedingham
grave: 152150
Hugh Robert Ledingham
image number LALargeHughLedingham
image: LALaughlinMcLean
grave: 152151
Laughlin McLean
image number LALaughlinMcLean
image: LALaughlinMcLena
grave: 152152
Laughlin McLean
image number LALaughlinMcLena
image: LALauraONeil
grave: 152153
Laura M O'Neil
image number LALauraONeil
image: LALHowardSmith
grave: 152154
W Howard Smith
image number LALHowardSmith
image: LALindley
grave: 152155
William Lindley
image number LALindley
image: LAMacCallum
grave: 152156
Duncan McCallum
image number LAMacCallum
image: LAMacdonald
grave: 152157
Donald McDonald
image number LAMacdonald
image: LAMacIntosh
grave: 152158
Alexander McIntosh
image number LAMacIntosh
image: LAMalcolmEffieStewart
grave: 152159
Hector Stewart
image number LAMalcolmEffieStewart
image: LAMalcolmEffieStewartTall
grave: 152160
Hector Stewart
image number LAMalcolmEffieStewartTall
image: LAMargaretAnnWilson
grave: 152161
Margaret Ann Wilson
image number LAMargaretAnnWilson
image: LAMargaretDougal
grave: 152162
Margaret McDougal
image number LAMargaretDougal
image: LAMargaretSmith
grave: 152163
Margaret Smith
image number LAMargaretSmith
image: LAMargaretStewart
grave: 152164
Margaret Stewart
image number LAMargaretStewart
image: LAMargaretwifeofMurray
grave: 152165
Margaret Murray
image number LAMargaretwifeofMurray
image: LAMargoryJesseman
grave: 152166
Margory Jesseman
image number LAMargoryJesseman
image: LAMarjorieSkene
grave: 152167
Marjorie Skene
image number LAMarjorieSkene
image: LAMarkAlexanderLedingham
grave: 152168
Mark Alexander Ledingham
image number LAMarkAlexanderLedingham
image: LAMarkAlexanderLedinghamTall
grave: 152169
Mark Alexander Ledingham
image number LAMarkAlexanderLedinghamTall
image: LAMaryApples
grave: 152170
Mary Appleby
image number LAMaryApples
image: LAMaryCastle
grave: 152171
Mary Castle
image number LAMaryCastle
image: LAMaryMills
grave: 152172
Mary Mills
image number LAMaryMills
image: LAMaryMillsTall
grave: 152173
Mary Mills
image number LAMaryMillsTall
image: LAMaryParker
grave: 152174
Mary Parker
image number LAMaryParker
image: LAMaryWhite
grave: 152175
Mary White
image number LAMaryWhite
image: LAMatildaBoyle
grave: 152176
Catherine Matilda Boyle
image number LAMatildaBoyle
image: LAMCClyment
grave: 152177
Isabelle McClyment
image number LAMCClyment
image: LAMCClyment
grave: 152178
Stanley Braun
image number LAMCClyment
image: LAMcIntosh
grave: 152179
Alexander McIntosh
image number LAMcIntosh
image: LAMcIntoshcu
grave: 152180
Alexander McIntosh
image number LAMcIntoshcu
image: LAMCKechniecu
grave: 152181
John McKechnie
image number LAMCKechniecu
image: LAMcKechnieTall
grave: 152182
John McKechnie
image number LAMcKechnieTall
image: LAMcWilliam
grave: 152183
Andrew McWilliam
image number LAMcWilliam
image: LAMills
grave: 152184
Margaret Hannah Mills
image number LAMills
image: LAMorrison
grave: 152185
John MacLeod Morrison
image number LAMorrison
image: LAMortley
grave: 152186
Eva Mortley
image number LAMortley
image: LAMurray
grave: 152187
Jane Murray
image number LAMurray
image: LAMurrayside3
grave: 152188
Duncan Murray
image number LAMurrayside3
image: LANeilMacDonald
grave: 152189
James C McDonald
image number LANeilMacDonald
image: LANeilStewart
grave: 152190
Neil Stewart
image number LANeilStewart

Change the number of thumbnails displayed before and after Hector Stewart grave

If you use this system to help find a grave, please let others know how well it went by using the GPR comments system.

This breadcrumb trail system was added to the GPR on 15th August 2016.