Gravestone Photographs Resource breadcrumb list for grave 122880Details of grave number 122880 at All Saints Holbrook for Basil Roy Needs

Basil Roy Needs grave monument in All Saints burial ground, Holbrook, Suffolk, England

Basil Roy Needs grave monument: legible names and details

full nameburial
Basil Roy Needs

Breadcrumb trail images to help find Basil Roy Needs grave location

(20 thumbnails before and after the grave with GPR number 122880)

The following thumbnail images are the 20 taken before and 20 after the one for Basil Roy Needs was taken.

The grave monument thumbnail image for Basil Roy Needs below has a background colour of green to help identify it.

Hopefully some of these thumbnails will help you locate the Basil Roy Needs grave.

image: Mason Frederick Edward Isdale 060
grave: 122860
Frederick Edward Isdale Mason
image number Mason Frederick Edward Isdale  060
image: Miller Nancy Ursula 319
grave: 122861
Nancy Ursula Miller
image number Miller Nancy Ursula  319
image: Mobbs John Robert 288
grave: 122862
John Robert Mobbs
image number Mobbs John Robert  288
image: Mobbs Ellen 286
grave: 122863
Ellen Mobbs
image number Mobbs Ellen  286
image: Mobbs John 295
grave: 122864
John Mobbs
image number Mobbs John 295
image: Mobbs Eliza 289
grave: 122865
Eliza Mobbs
image number Mobbs Eliza  289
image: 148
grave: 122866
Hannah Mudd
image number 148
image: Munnings Emily Amelia 233
grave: 122867
Emily Amelia Munnings
image number Munnings Emily Amelia  233
image: Munnings Annie M 232
grave: 122868
Annie M Munnings
image number Munnings Annie M  232
image: Munnings William Arthur 236
grave: 122869
William Arthur Munnings
image number Munnings William Arthur  236
image: Munnings Charles F 230
grave: 122870
Charles F Munnings
image number Munnings Charles F  230
image: Munnings John 234
grave: 122871
John Munnings
image number Munnings John  234
image: Munnings John 227
grave: 122872
John Munnings
image number Munnings John  227
image: Munnings Kate Clara 396
grave: 122873
Kate Clara Munnings
image number Munnings Kate Clara  396
image: Munnings Susan 247
grave: 122874
Susan Munnings
image number Munnings Susan  247
image: Munnings William 246
grave: 122875
William Munnings
image number Munnings William  246
image: Munnings William 244
grave: 122876
William Munnings
image number Munnings William  244
image: Murray K D 137a
grave: 122877
K D Murray
image number Murray K D 137a
image: Murton Cyril 164
grave: 122878
Cyril Murton
image number Murton Cyril  164
image: McClure John Alister Kerr 150
grave: 122879
John Alister Kerr McClure
image number McClure John Alister Kerr 150
image: Needs Basil Roy 441
grave: 122880
Basil Roy Needs
image number Needs Basil Roy  441
image: Nicholson Geoffrey Aubrey 315
grave: 122881
Geoffrey Aubrey Nicholson
image number Nicholson Geoffrey Aubrey  315
image: Nunn Frederick 274
grave: 122882
Frederick Nunn
image number Nunn Frederick 274
image: Nunn Martin 014
grave: 122883
Martin Nunn
image number Nunn Martin  014
image: Ockmore Charles James 418
grave: 122884
Charles James Ockmore
image number Ockmore Charles James 418
image: O'Malley Peter Frederick 072d
grave: 122885
Peter Frederick O'Malley
image number O'Malley Peter Frederick 072d
image: Page Bertha 078
grave: 122886
Bertha Page
image number Page Bertha  078
image: Page Harry 090
grave: 122887
Harry Page
image number Page Harry  090
image: Page James 074
grave: 122888
James Page
image number Page James  074
image: Page Kenneth 093
grave: 122889
Kenneth Page
image number Page Kenneth  093
image: Parish Evelyn M 255
grave: 122890
Evelyn M Parish
image number Parish Evelyn M 255
image: Pattle Roger Temple 444
grave: 122891
Roger Temple Pattle
image number Pattle Roger Temple  444
image: Peck Arthur George 177
grave: 122892
Arthur George Peck
image number Peck Arthur George  177
image: Peck Grace Annie 166
grave: 122893
Grace Annie Peck
image number Peck Grace Annie  166
image: Pennell John 180
grave: 122894
John Pennell
image number Pennell John  180
image: Pennington John 132
grave: 122895
John Pennington
image number Pennington John 132
image: Pitcher Edward O 266
grave: 122896
Edward O Pitcher
image number Pitcher Edward O 266
image: Plane Ivy 314
grave: 122897
Ivy Plane
image number Plane Ivy  314
image: Podd George William 157a
grave: 122898
George William Podd
image number Podd George William  157a
image: Ponsford Arthur Jeremy 445
grave: 122899
Arthur Jeremy Ponsford
image number Ponsford Arthur Jeremy  445
image: Porter David 181
grave: 122900
David Porter
image number Porter David  181

Change the number of thumbnails displayed before and after Basil Roy Needs grave

If you use this system to help find a grave, please let others know how well it went by using the GPR comments system.

This breadcrumb trail system was added to the GPR on 15th August 2016.