Frequently asked questions (FAQs)
How can I find all the references for a particular name within all the cemeteries in a city, town or village?
You can search the resources database for all the entries for a particular name by initially going to that locations page on the GPR website.
Every cemetery and grave page within the GRP has an index box that shows you where you currently are within the system. For instance, if you were looking at the municipal cemetery in Lowestoft then this box would like this:
If you click on the Lowestoft link, you will then be taken to the Lowesteft location page.
Each location page lists all the cemeteries for the location that are currently stored within the GPR.
After this list there will be a box containing a search link for that location (Lowestoft in this example):
If you click on the location name you will then go to a page that will list all the names recorded for that location.