List of names in alphabetic name order within Lowestoft, Suffolk, England

Below are all the names that appear on the photographs or records held by the GPR for Lowestoft

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The ages given on monuments are often incorrect and so dates of birth should be consided as probable rather than actual. Please also note that all ages and dates of birth in red have been calculated and are not on the monument.

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List of names in alphabetic name order within Lowestoft, Suffolk, England surnamefull namerelationshipbirth
GPR ref.viewedrequestedcemetery namenotes
1AbbottEdmund Abbottfirst name on the monument18141905911010885191Municipal
2Louisa Abbottwife of Edmund Abbott18181891731010885191Municipal
3AggasAdam Aggashusband of Kezia Aggas18191897788910964221Municipal
4Kezia Aggasfirst name on the monument18361891558910964221Municipal
5AlbrowCharles Albrowfirst name on the monument18261890647510950191Municipal
6Martha Ann Albrowwife of Charles Albrow18331917847510950191Municipal
7AldissRobert Aldissfirst name on the monument18725011016341St Margaret
8Sarah Aldissrelationship not given of Robert Aldiss18785011016341St Margaret
9AldredArthur Aldredfather of Harold Arthur Paget Aldred1943194306110936201Municipal
10Harold Arthur Paget Aldredfirst name on the monument18941918246110936201Municipal
11Ritchenda Aldredfirst name on the monument18461891452310898201Municipal
12Thomas Aldredrelationship not given of Ritchenda Aldred18431911682310898201Municipal
13AlfredIsabel Maud Alfredmother of Harold Arthur Paget Aldred6110936201Municipal
14AllenEliza Allenrelationship not given of Mary Ann Sterling18291902734211008451St Margaret
15George Allenrelationship not given of Mary Ann Sterling4211008451St Margaret
16AllezPeter Allezfirst name on the monument18081898908010955221Municipal
17AlpeHarry James Alpefirst name on the monument18731919465610931201Municipal
18AndickMargaret Andickfirst name on the monument1755181459110966261St Margaret
19Thomas Andickhusband of Margaret Andick110966261St Margaret
20AshbyEllen Ashbywife of Fredrick Ashby11211083271St Margaret
21Fredrick Ashbyfirst name on the monument184918803111211083271St Margaret
22AtkinsonAbraham Atkinsonfirst name on the monument1814210967341St Margaret
23Ann Atkinsonwife of Abraham Atkinson210967341St Margaret
24BaileyAnn Baileywife of John Clarke Bailey18191888691810984311St Margaret
25John Clarke Baileyfirst name on the monument18191879601810984311St Margaret
26BallsArthur Henry Ballsrelationship not given of Benjamin Rous Balls18751917426210937251Municipal
27Benjamin Rous Ballsfirst name on the monument18801916366210937251Municipal
28Eliza Ballsfirst name on the monument1836186327100811098211St Margaret
29Francis Clark Ballsfirst name on the monument18201893734310918181Municipal
30Herbert James Ballsrelationship not given of Benjamin Rous Balls18851905206210937251Municipal
31James Ballsfirst name on the monument18101892822510900241Municipal
32Sarah Ann Ballsrelationship not given of Francis Clark Balls734310918181Municipal
33William A. Ballsrelationship not given of Benjamin Rous Balls18981918206210937251Municipal
34William Thomas Ballshusband of Eliza Balls100811098211St Margaret
35William Thomas Ballsfirst name on the monument1827191487100911099261St Margaret
36BanksCatherline Banksfirst name on the monument6411034341St Margaret
37BarnardGeorge Robert Barnardfirst name on the monument1890189331210887171Municipal
38John Barnardrelationship not given of George Robert Barnard1210887171Municipal
39Sarah Barnardrelationship not given of George Robert Barnard18541898441210887171Municipal
40BarnesAlice Sarah Barnesfirst name on the monument18471930833510910241Municipal
41Emma Barnesfirst name on the monument18291915863910914261Municipal
42Louisa Amelia Barnesrelationship not given of Alice Sarah Barnes18411889483510910241Municipal
43Robert Slipper Barnesrelationship not given of Emma Barnes18101905953910914261Municipal
44BealesArcher Bealesfirst name on the monument18111883723410909251Municipal
45Elizabeth Bealesrelationship not given of Archer Beales18151892773410909251Municipal
46BeanEleanor Beanfirst name on the monument18611900392210897331Municipal
47Henry John Beanrelationship not given of Eleanor Bean2210897331Municipal
48BemmentJoseph Barber Bemmentfirst name on the monument18221908861710892591Municipal
49Pleasance Bemmentrelationship not given of Joseph Barber Bemment1710892591Municipal
50Susannah Bemmentrelationship not given of Joseph Barber Bemment18301887571710892591Municipal

Lists of 519 names on monuments within Lowestoft cemeteries:


St Margaret

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