Gravestone Photographs Resource: send a message to someone who requested a photo

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說道:DNS依然讓我很頭大~像你這篇教學的例子是說,www.doiman.com和doiman.com都給godaddy管~而xxx.doiman.com和主網域都在同一個空間!若我把我wp架在另一個免空主機上,我希望把我的wp設成wp.doiman.com而架wp的那間主機說,要另設NS,請問我該要設在A record or CNAME or NS裡哩?(以下為我WP架那空間的Q A)Q: Why my doiman isn't working?A: Make sure you have forward the NS to and, you will need to wait for a while for the doiman working.(*It can takes up to 48 hours, be patient)ps.突然覺得我以上的留言很白痴= =請勿見怪~那時大概太high了~ 阿湯說:請問你的主機商也就是和域名一起的有提供你DNS的管理介面嗎後台是Cpanel還是Plesk??

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