List of names in alphabetic name order within Tettenhall Regis, Staffordshire, England

Below are all the names that appear on the photographs or records held by the GPR for Tettenhall Regis

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The ages given on monuments are often incorrect and so dates of birth should be consided as probable rather than actual. Please also note that all ages and dates of birth in red have been calculated and are not on the monument.

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List of names in alphabetic name order within Tettenhall Regis, Staffordshire, England surnamefull namerelationshipbirth
GPR ref.viewedrequestedcemetery namenotes
1451TaylorSarah Taylorfirst name on the monument1844190965DSC03761358286201St Michael and All Angels
1452Thomas Edward Taylorfirst name on the monument1877194871115201413495552709071St Michael and All Angels (section F)
1453TayorCharles Tayorhusband of Jane Taylor1753181764DSC03895358381401St Michael and All Angels
1454ThatcherAndrew Martin Thatchergrand son of Leonard Gough1949200657116201413195652715581St Michael and All Angels (section F)
1455Martha Thatcherfirst name on the monument1830191282115201413431452707591St Michael and All Angels (section F)
1456Patricia Thatcher nee Goughdaughter of Leonard Gough1926199266116201413195652715581St Michael and All Angels (section F)
1457Richard Thatcherhusband of Martha Thatcher1832191987115201413431452707591St Michael and All Angels (section F)
1458ThomasJoan Elizabeth Thomaswife of Philip Stephenson Thomas1915199782DSC03963385419211St Michael and All Angels
1459Louisa Thomas nee Dickenfirst name on the monument1881190120DSC03562353297401St Michael and All Angels
1460Philip Stephenson Thomasfirst name on the monument1914195945DSC03963385419211St Michael and All Angels
1461ThomasonAlice Thomasonfirst name on the monument1941116201412421952710261St Michael and All Angels (section F)
1462ThompsonColin C Thompsonhusband of Dorothy ThompsonDSC04078385491221St Michael and All Angels
1463Dorothy Thompsonfirst name on the monument1903195148DSC04078385491221St Michael and All Angels
1464ThomsonBessie Thomsonwife of Thomas Thomson116201413421752720371St Michael and All Angels (section F)
1465Thomas Thomsonfirst name on the monument116201413421752720371St Michael and All Angels (section F)
1466Thorneycroft Thorneycroftfirst name on the monument1822190381DSC03627356103811St Michael and All Angels
1467G B Thorneycroftfather of Ellen FowlerDSC03619356099171St Michael and All Angels
1468ThorpElizabeth Thorprelationship not given of Thomas Thorp90DSC03829358329211St Michael and All Angels
1469Joseph Thorprelationship not given of Thomas Thorp1802186260DSC03829358329211St Michael and All Angels
1470Richard Thorpson of Thomas Thorp1800185757DSC03829358329211St Michael and All Angels
1471Thomas Thorpfirst name on the monument1792185765DSC03829358329211St Michael and All Angels
1472TillSheila Ann Tillwife of John Tyrell Pearson1930201282DSC03531353272401St Michael and All Angels
1473TizardAnn Betty Tizardfirst name on the monument1847192982DSC03402353181341St Michael and All Angels
1474TolleyAlfred Tolleyfirst name on the monument1858193072DSC03887358375371St Michael and All Angels
1475Annie Martha Tolleyrelationship not known of Frederick John Tolley18911956655609357527022111St Michael and All Angels (section F)
1476Ellen Tolleywife of Alfred Tolley1862194078DSC03887358375371St Michael and All Angels
1477Frederick John Tolleyfirst name on the monument18901941515609357527022111St Michael and All Angels (section F)
1478Joseph Tolleyfirst name on the monument1897194851DSC03984385434241St Michael and All Angels
1479Kathleen Eleanor Tolleywife of Joseph Tolley1899196869DSC03984385434241St Michael and All Angels
1480TomkinsonT W Tomkinsonfirst name on the monument1875191641DSC03602356087161St Michael and All Angels
1481TonksArthur Tonksfirst name on the monument1878193759115201413354852706071St Michael and All Angels (section F)
1482Florence Tonkswife of Arthur Tonks1878195880115201413354852706071St Michael and All Angels (section F)
1483TotteyAnn Totteyrelationship not given of William Tottey1778182042DSC03676356127241St Michael and All Angels
1484Harriette Totteyfirst name on the monument1807186760DSC03677356128251St Michael and All Angels
1485John Totteyrelationship not given of William Tottey1797185255DSC03676356127241St Michael and All Angels
1486Mary Totteywife of William Tottey1741181473DSC03676356127241St Michael and All Angels
1487William Totteyfirst name on the monument1732179260DSC03676356127241St Michael and All Angels
1488William Totteyrelationship not given of Harriette Tottey57DSC03677356128251St Michael and All Angels
1489TownendFanny Townendwife of George Townend1888197082115201413421752707191St Michael and All Angels (section F)
1490George Townendfirst name on the monument1888193850115201413421752707191St Michael and All Angels (section F)
1491TownsendFlorence Louisa Townsendwife of Joseph William Townsend1882196482DSC04114385519191St Michael and All Angels
1492Joseph William Townsendfirst name on the monument1884195773DSC04114385519191St Michael and All Angels
1493ToyEdgar Toyson of Eliza Toy1875DSC04069385482281St Michael and All Angels
1494Eliza Toyfirst name on the monument1845187530DSC04069385482281St Michael and All Angels
1495John Toyhusband of Eliza Toy1804187167DSC04069385482281St Michael and All Angels
1496TrumpessPhyllis Louise Trumpesswife of William Trumpess1892196068DSC03419353194461St Michael and All Angels
1497William Trumpessfirst name on the monument1896194145DSC03419353194461St Michael and All Angels
1498Trusselle(unnamed) Trussellerelationship not given of Harry Trusselle1918DSC03544353283121St Michael and All Angels
1499Annie Mabel Trusselle nee Fernwife of Samuel Harri Trusselle1885196378DSC03548353286241St Michael and All Angels
1500Anthony Gordon Trussellerelationship not given of Harry Trusselle1931DSC03544353283121St Michael and All Angels

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