List of names in alphabetic name order within Aldinga, South Australia, Australia

Below are all the names that appear on the photographs or records held by the GPR for Aldinga

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The ages given on monuments are often incorrect and so dates of birth should be consided as probable rather than actual. Please also note that all ages and dates of birth in red have been calculated and are not on the monument.

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List of names in alphabetic name order within Aldinga, South Australia, Australia surnamefull namerelationshipbirth
GPR ref.viewedrequestedcemetery namenotes
651MorganRebecca Morgandaughter of Rex Irwin Morgan217 Rex Irwin Morgan200285241Aldinga Uniting Church
652Rex Morganhusband of Betty May Morgan216 Betty May Morgan200284341Aldinga Uniting Church
653Rex Irwin Morganfirst name on the monument1921200180217 Rex Irwin Morgan200285241Aldinga Uniting Church
654Sandra Anne Morgan nee Bloyfirst name on the monument1963200441115 Sandra Anne Morgan200183731Aldinga Uniting Church
655Sandra Peggy Morganfirst name on the monument1948200153230 Sandra Peggy Morgan200298221Aldinga Uniting Church
656Scott Morganson of Sandra Peggy Morgan230 Sandra Peggy Morgan200298221Aldinga Uniting Church
657Suzie Morgandaughter of Sandra Anne Morgan115 Sandra Anne Morgan200183731Aldinga Uniting Church
658MorseDorothy Morsewife of Neville Frederick Morse181 Neville Frederick Morse200249271Aldinga Uniting Church
659Jennifer Morsedaughter of Neville Frederick Morse181 Neville Frederick Morse200249271Aldinga Uniting Church
660Karen Morsedaughter of Neville Frederick Morse181 Neville Frederick Morse200249271Aldinga Uniting Church
661Neville Frederick Morsefirst name on the monument1927197952181 Neville Frederick Morse200249271Aldinga Uniting Church
662Pamela Morsedaughter of Neville Frederick Morse181 Neville Frederick Morse200249271Aldinga Uniting Church
663MoschosDamara Moschos nee Froenheltfirst name on the monument195720044722 Damara Moschos200080211Aldinga Uniting Church
664George Moschosson of Damara Moschos22 Damara Moschos200080211Aldinga Uniting Church
665Michael Moschosson of Damara Moschos22 Damara Moschos200080211Aldinga Uniting Church
666Nicholas Moschoshusband of Damara Moschos22 Damara Moschos200080211Aldinga Uniting Church
667Stephen Moschosson of Damara Moschos22 Damara Moschos200080211Aldinga Uniting Church
668MuirR Muirfirst name on the monument188851200111181Aldinga Uniting Church
669MumfordAlice Mumfordwife of James Friend Mumford51 James Friend Mumford200054271St Ann Anglian
670Alice Mumfordfirst name on the monument186419387452 Alice Mumford200055441St Ann Anglian
671J Mumfordfirst name on the monument187419487443 J Mumford200046271St Ann Anglian
672James Mumfordfirst name on the monument182918997041 James Mumford200044291St Ann Anglian
673James Friend Mumfordfirst name on the monument187419487451 James Friend Mumford200054271St Ann Anglian
674Sophia Mumfordwife of James Mumford183219269441 James Mumford200044291St Ann Anglian
675MunroGeorge Munrohusband of Hilva Lillian Munro204 Hilva Lillian Munro200272371Aldinga Uniting Church
676Hilva Lillian Munrofirst name on the monument1913198976204 Hilva Lillian Munro200272371Aldinga Uniting Church
677Maralyn Munrodaughter of Hilva Lillian Munro204 Hilva Lillian Munro200272371Aldinga Uniting Church
678NationAlfred Gillard Nationfather of Reginald Pierre Hyett Gillard Nation105 Reginald Pierre Hyett Gillard Nation200173331Aldinga Uniting Church
679Ethel Nationmother of Reginald Pierre Hyett Gillard Nation105 Reginald Pierre Hyett Gillard Nation200173331Aldinga Uniting Church
680Reginald Pierre Hyett Gillard Nationfirst name on the monument1905198277105 Reginald Pierre Hyett Gillard Nation200173331Aldinga Uniting Church
681NelsonJames Nelsonfather of Susanah Nelson37 Susanah Nelson200040161St Ann Anglian
682James Campbell Nelsonfirst name on the monument182418785438 James Campbell Nelson200041421St Ann Anglian
683Susanah Nelsonfirst name on the monument186437 Susanah Nelson200040161St Ann Anglian
684Susanah Nelsonmother of Susanah Nelson37 Susanah Nelson200040161St Ann Anglian
685Thomas Henry Nelsonbrother of Susanah Nelson186418751137 Susanah Nelson200040161St Ann Anglian
686NewtonDane Clarkson Newtonfirst name on the monument1969198112123 Dane Clarkson Newton200191391Aldinga Uniting Church
687NichollBeverley Nichollgrand daughter of Olive Maud Randell61 Olive Maud Randell200129151Aldinga Uniting Church
688Beverley Nicholldaughter of John Anglesey Nicholl62 John Anglesey Nicholl200130331Aldinga Uniting Church
689Constance Nicholl nee Randelldaughter of Olive Maud Randell61 Olive Maud Randell200129151Aldinga Uniting Church
690Constance Nicholl nee Randellwife of John Anglesey Nicholl62 John Anglesey Nicholl200130331Aldinga Uniting Church
691Graham Nichollson of John Anglesey Nicholl62 John Anglesey Nicholl200130331Aldinga Uniting Church
692Graham Nichollgrand son of Olive Maud Randell61 Olive Maud Randell200129151Aldinga Uniting Church
693John Anglesey Nichollfirst name on the monument191719947762 John Anglesey Nicholl200130331Aldinga Uniting Church
694NicolleBernice Nicolledaughter of Shirley Valda Nicolle1 Shirley Valda Nicolle200060371Aldinga Uniting Church
695Cleve Nicolleson of Shirley Valda Nicolle1 Shirley Valda Nicolle200060371Aldinga Uniting Church
696Leve Nicolleson of Shirley Valda Nicolle1 Shirley Valda Nicolle200060371Aldinga Uniting Church
697Shirley Valda Nicollefirst name on the monument19262006801 Shirley Valda Nicolle200060371Aldinga Uniting Church
698Wendy Nicolledaughter-in-law of Shirley Valda Nicolle1 Shirley Valda Nicolle200060371Aldinga Uniting Church
699NormanB E Normangrand mother of Leonie Stacey Johnson159 Leonie Stacey Johnson200226291Aldinga Uniting Church
700B E Normanmother of Joyce Hailstone160200227561Aldinga Uniting Church

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