Grave monuments within Cleethorpes cemeteries (Lincolnshire, England) indexed by Gravestone Photographic Resource Project

Cemeteries within Cleethorpes

Cleethorpes grave monument sites that have been photographed and indexed by the GPR

Below are the churchyard or other cemetery and monument sites that have been indexed within Cleethorpes, Lincolnshire.

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Cleethorpes cemetery details

city/town/villagecemetery namegravesnamesrequestsstatusaddedtype
CleethorpesBlock A-B East235574279912 September 2012cemetery
CleethorpesBlock A-B West154349279812 September 2012cemetery
CleethorpesBlock C-D East139384279612 September 2012cemetery
CleethorpesBlock C-D West247582279612 September 2012cemetery
CleethorpesBlock D-E East62134279712 September 2012cemetery
CleethorpesBlock F-G East49115279612 September 2012cemetery
CleethorpesBlock F-G West72134279612 September 2012cemetery
CleethorpesBlock H-J East57111279612 September 2012cemetery
CleethorpesGarden of Rest 1124209279711 December 2012cremation memorials
CleethorpesGarden of Rest 2157237279611 December 2012cremation memorials
CleethorpesManchester Regiment War Graves3030279618 December 2012military cemetery
CleethorpesMemorial Hall Plaques362362279621 June 2016memorial
CleethorpesSection A82169279825 February 2012cemetery
CleethorpesSection AA7561295280012 September 2012cemetery
CleethorpesSection B98197279625 February 2012cemetery
CleethorpesSection BB369716280112 September 2012cemetery
CleethorpesSection C173330279725 February 2012cemetery
CleethorpesSection C173330279625 February 2012cemetery
CleethorpesSection C173330279725 February 2012cemetery
CleethorpesSection CC410733279612 September 2012cemetery
CleethorpesSection D12523227963 March 2012cemetery
CleethorpesSection D12523227963 March 2012cemetery
CleethorpesSection DD180337279610 September 2012cemetery
CleethorpesSection E27157727973 March 2012cemetery
CleethorpesSection EE522898279812 September 2012cemetery
CleethorpesSection F15834127976 March 2012cemetery
CleethorpesSection FF438793280011 December 2012cemetery
CleethorpesSection G17037827976 March 2012cemetery
CleethorpesSection H9919127976 March 2012cemetery
CleethorpesSection HH206247279811 December 2012cemetery
CleethorpesSection I18843327966 March 2012cemetery
CleethorpesSection II232323279711 December 2012cemetery
CleethorpesSection J6012227976 March 2012cemetery
CleethorpesSection JJ272378279611 December 2012cemetery
CleethorpesSection K295827966 March 2012cemetery
CleethorpesSection L61227966 March 2012cemetery
CleethorpesSection M458327966 March 2012cemetery
CleethorpesSection N8713827966 March 2012cemetery
CleethorpesSection O78118279626 March 2012cemetery
CleethorpesSt Peter153186279726 March 2012burial ground
CleethorpesSt Peter Church Roll of Honour111111279628 May 2015war memorial
CleethorpesWW2 War Graves5154279619 December 2012military cemetery

List all the names on grave monuments within Cleethorpes indexed by the GPR

location = Cleethorpes

area = Lincolnshire

country = England

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exact forename: yes no

exact surname: yes no

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