All entries for the surname BAILEY held within the Gravestone Photographic Resource

All GPR entries for the surname BAILEY


.. full name ...

birth year ...

burial year ...

age ...

cemetery ...


276Sarah Anna Bailey1838192183Attleborough RoadHingham
277William Bailey1815190489Attleborough RoadHingham
278G B Bailey Auckland St Andrew (War Memorial)South Church
279Clara Bailey Avon ViewSt George
280Clara Jane Bailey1854191157Avon ViewSt George
281Eliza Ann Bailey nee England1896197781Avon ViewSt George
282Henry J Bailey1886191832Avon ViewSt George
283Lily Bailey Avon ViewSt George
284Walter F Bailey1880191838Avon ViewSt George
285William F Bailey1854191359Avon ViewSt George
286William Albert Bailey1876190933Avon ViewSt George
287Clara Bailey Avon View (part 2)St George
288Clara Jane Bailey1854191157Avon View (part 2)St George
289Eliza Ann Bailey nee England1896197781Avon View (part 2)St George
290Henry J Bailey1886191832Avon View (part 2)St George
291Lily Bailey Avon View (part 2)St George
292Walter F Bailey1880191838Avon View (part 2)St George
293William F Bailey1854191359Avon View (part 2)St George
294William Albert Bailey1876190933Avon View (part 2)St George
295Lorraine Ann Bailey1954201359Avon View (part 3)St George
296Joseph Arthur Bailey B3 MunicipalLinthorpe
297Sarah Ellen Bailey nee Hugill1874190430B3 MunicipalLinthorpe
298Douglas Bailey1895194146Balmoral (section 1)Brisbane
299James Thomas Bailey1864192965Balmoral (section 6)Brisbane
300Emily Bailey1868192052Balmoral (section 8)Brisbane


full name

birth year

burial year




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The above results include all the surnames for the name BAILEY that are held within the GPR database.

Search results for the surname BAILEY (total = 2577)

1-25 | 26-50 | 51-75 | 76-100 | 101-125 | 126-150 | 151-175 | 176-200 | 201-225 | 226-250 | 251-275 | 276-300 | 301-325 | 326-350 | 351-375 | 376-400 | 401-425 | 426-450 | 451-475 | 476-500 | 501-525 | 526-550 | 551-575 | 576-600 | 601-625 | 626-650 | 651-675 | 676-700 | 701-725 | 726-750 | 751-775 | 776-800 | 801-825 | 826-850 | 851-875 | 876-900 | 901-925 | 926-950 | 951-975 | 976-1000 | 1001-1025 | 1026-1050 | 1051-1075 | 1076-1100 | 1101-1125 | 1126-1150 | 1151-1175 | 1176-1200 | 1201-1225 | 1226-1250 | 1251-1275 | 1276-1300 | 1301-1325 | 1326-1350 | 1351-1375 | 1376-1400 | 1401-1425 | 1426-1450 | 1451-1475 | 1476-1500 | 1501-1525 | 1526-1550 | 1551-1575 | 1576-1600 | 1601-1625 | 1626-1650 | 1651-1675 | 1676-1700 | 1701-1725 | 1726-1750 | 1751-1775 | 1776-1800 | 1801-1825 | 1826-1850 | 1851-1875 | 1876-1900 | 1901-1925 | 1926-1950 | 1951-1975 | 1976-2000 | 2001-2025 | 2026-2050 | 2051-2075 | 2076-2100 | 2101-2125 | 2126-2150 | 2151-2175 | 2176-2200 | 2201-2225 | 2226-2250 | 2251-2275 | 2276-2300 | 2301-2325 | 2326-2350 | 2351-2375 | 2376-2400 | 2401-2425 | 2426-2450 | 2451-2475 | 2476-2500 | 2501-2525 | 2526-2550 | 2551-2575 | 2576-2577 |

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A name listed within double quotes is either a nickname or pet name.

If a person you searching for is not listed then have a look at the alternative spellings of the surname BAILEY by looking at all the surnames starting with the letters Ba.

If that fails then use the Full Name Search with just the surname BAILEY.This will give you similar names as well as entries for maiden and family names.


This page contains a list of all the entries for the surname, maiden and family name BAILEY that are held within the Gravestone Photographic Resource online database. It is quite likely that there are also entries available for alternative spellings of this name. It is very easy for you to check to see if there are any alternative spellings: you just need to look at the page that shows all the names listed under the starting letter (B in this case) of the surname you are interested in.

The BAILEY name may also be found within either maiden or family names stored within the GPR.

If you click on a particular name or GPR reference number below you will see details of what information is held for that particular grave monument. If there is an image available then you will be able to order a free copy of it.

If you click on a particular church, parish or town name below then you will see details of all the grave monument images that are available for that particular location.

If there is a blank in the relationship column below then it means that this person is the first named individual on the grave monument.

If you are interested in ordering a number of different images, it may help if you list in grave order so that everyone mentioned on the same monument are listed together.

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Please note that all ages and dates of birth in red have been calculated and are probably not on the monument.

You should treat the calculated dates of birth with caution as the ages given on monuments are often inaccurate. The dates and ages on many monuments are also often hard to read. It is therefore important to use the dates as guides as they may be incorrect.

The same person may appear many times in the above list. This is because a person can easily be listed on many different monuments. For instance, a person could be listed on their own grave as well as on the gravestone monuments of their children and their spouse. Occasionally names will be duplicated because the monument has in error been photographed and indexed twice.

Where a relationship is shown as unknown, this usually means that parts of the monument are illegible and relationship cannot be read.

Where no relationship is given this means that this is normally the first name on the monument. All the relationships on any particular monument relate to this first named individual.

All comment /feedback /help requests within the Gravestone Photographic Resource for the name BAILEY

Thank You

I am very grateful for the photograph of Judith Bailey's gravestone which included the names of five of her children who tragically died in childhood, four of whose names I had been unaware. Judith and Charles Bailey are my husband's 3 x Great Grandparents. Many thanks again.
entry submitted by Stella Turner on: 03/11/2017 02:51 GMT ........ contact this person

What a superb job you have done thanks

What a superb job you have done thanks
entry submitted by Joan Watson on: 29/10/2017 09:03 GMT ........ contact this person

Thank you for speedy response

Thank you for the photo of W Bailey. This person is not a relative but part of a project that I am undertaking for Leicester Freemen. I am compiling information on Leicester Freemen men that served during WW1. Often there are no photos of men available, and sadly, sometimes the only photos that display a mans name are their gravestones. Non the less it adds to the life story of the man. Thank you again.
entry submitted by L A Roffee on: 18/09/2016 08:48 GMT ........ contact this person

Graves for Bailey..

Thankyou for your quick response very helpful. I am hoping that the remaining 10% not shown on the Old Town Cemetery Bideford will be who I am looking for.Thankyou again.
entry submitted by C.Bushell on: 16/01/2016 03:27 GMT ........ contact this person


What a fantastic site. I have volunteered to take pictures after one visit !!
entry submitted by Martin Bailey on: 22/09/2015 10:15 GMT ........ contact this person


Thank you Charles for the quick response in my request for images, can only be a great site. As you know I'm a volunteer and enjoying photographing and indexing monuments
entry submitted by Edward Bowman on: 06/04/2015 06:39 GMT ........ contact this person

Gravestone Photograph

How very pleased I am with the quality of the picture, I can read 99% of the inscription, the clarity and lighting was perfect. I received the link to the picture in less than 24 hours after my request was placed...Thank You!
entry submitted by Cherryl on: 12/01/2013 01:07 GMT ........ contact this person

Bailey Burials

I have been researching the Bailey family for the last 15 years, this is the first time I have come across this web-site and have found it very interesting and thought provoking. I will indeed be returning to this site for further research.
entry submitted by Elaine Wood on: 12/09/2010 08:47 GMT ........ contact this person
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