Gravestone Photographs Resource breadcrumb list for grave 801341Details of grave number 801341 at St Margaret Barming for William Goodsell

William Goodsell grave monument in St Margaret burial ground, Barming, Kent, England

William Goodsell grave monument: legible names and details

full nameburial
William Goodsell
Elizabeth Goodsell
60 wife of William Goodsell

Breadcrumb trail images to help find William Goodsell grave location

(40 thumbnails before and after the grave with GPR number 801341)

The following thumbnail images are the 40 taken before and 40 after the one for William Goodsell was taken.

The grave monument thumbnail image for William Goodsell below has a background colour of green to help identify it.

Hopefully some of these thumbnails will help you locate the William Goodsell grave.

image: 4938
grave: 801317
C T D Sheppard
image number 4938
image: 4939
grave: 801318
W J Trice
image number 4939
image: 4940
grave: 801319
Ernest R Wooster
image number 4940
image: 4941
grave: 801320
Henry Bayley Botten
image number 4941
image: 4942
grave: 801321
Mary Jane Botten
image number 4942
image: 4943
grave: 801322
Frank Hobbs
image number 4943
image: 4944
grave: 801323
Benjamin Startup
image number 4944
image: 4945
grave: 801324
John Boozer
image number 4945
image: 4946
grave: 801325
James ??land
image number 4946
image: 4948
grave: 801326
William Buckland
image number 4948
image: 4949
grave: 801327
Rebecca Buckland
image number 4949
image: 4950
grave: 801328
Sarah Buckland
image number 4950
image: 4951
grave: 801329
Stephen Streeter
image number 4951
image: 4952
grave: 801330
Henry Dennis
image number 4952
image: 4953
grave: 801331
John Pollard
image number 4953
image: 4954
grave: 801332
Liberty Long
image number 4954
image: 4955
grave: 801333
Cornelia Prickett
image number 4955
image: 4956
grave: 801334
Harriet Mar?
image number 4956
image: 4957
grave: 801335
John Richard Day
image number 4957
image: 4958
grave: 801336
Alice Hart
image number 4958
image: 4963
grave: 801337
Horace Hyland
image number 4963
image: 4964
grave: 801338
Mary Stevens
image number 4964
image: 4965
grave: 801339
Thomas Whittaker
image number 4965
image: 4967
grave: 801340
Thomas Lowe
image number 4967
image: 4968
grave: 801341
William Goodsell
image number 4968

Less thumbnails will be displayed if William Goodsell grave photograph was takens either near the beginning or the end of the photographic session. Instead of an image you will see one or more small boxes similar to the one shown below:

If you use this system to help find a grave, please let others know how well it went by using the GPR comments system.

This breadcrumb trail system was added to the GPR on 15th August 2016.