Gravestone Photographs Resource breadcrumb list for grave 741076Details of grave number 741076 at St Nicholas Gosforth for George Dent

George Dent grave monument in St Nicholas burial ground, Gosforth, Northumberland, England

George Dent grave monument: legible names and details

full nameburial
George Dent
George Dent
son of George Dent
Wilson Dent
son of George Dent
William Dent
son of George Dent

Breadcrumb trail images to help find George Dent grave location

(40 thumbnails before and after the grave with GPR number 741076)

The following thumbnail images are the 40 taken before and 40 after the one for George Dent was taken.

The grave monument thumbnail image for George Dent below has a background colour of green to help identify it.

Hopefully some of these thumbnails will help you locate the George Dent grave.

image: DSC_1149
grave: 741036
William Knox
image number DSC_1149
image: DSC_1150
grave: 741037
James Fairhurst
image number DSC_1150
image: DSC_1151
grave: 741038
John Robson
image number DSC_1151
image: DSC_1152
grave: 741039
image number DSC_1152
image: DSC_1153
grave: 741040
William J Williamson
image number DSC_1153
image: DSC_1154
grave: 741041
George Robert Hanson
image number DSC_1154
image: DSC_1155
grave: 741042
George Miles Hutchinson
image number DSC_1155
image: DSC_1156
grave: 741043
Eric William Beeley
image number DSC_1156
image: DSC_1157
grave: 741044
Roger Charlton Thew
image number DSC_1157
image: DSC_1158
grave: 741045
William Hunter
image number DSC_1158
image: DSC_1159
grave: 741046
George Hart
image number DSC_1159
image: DSC_1160
grave: 741047
James Hart
image number DSC_1160
image: DSC_1161
grave: 741048
John Brown
image number DSC_1161
image: DSC_1162
grave: 741049
William Boyd Bell
image number DSC_1162
image: DSC_1163
grave: 741050
Frederick Wood Bindley
image number DSC_1163
image: DSC_1164
grave: 741051
J A Charlton
image number DSC_1164
image: DSC_1166
grave: 741052
Jacob Hall
image number DSC_1166
image: DSC_1167
grave: 741053
Elizabeth Ainsley
image number DSC_1167
image: DSC_1169
grave: 741054
George Finch
image number DSC_1169
image: DSC_1170
grave: 741055
Samuel Henry Farrer
image number DSC_1170
image: DSC_1171
grave: 741056
Thomas Hall
image number DSC_1171
image: DSC_1172
grave: 741057
Evan Wilkinson Rowland
image number DSC_1172
image: DSC_1173
grave: 741058
Agnes Elizabeth Wood
image number DSC_1173
image: DSC_1174
grave: 741059
Peter Handley
image number DSC_1174
image: DSC_1175
grave: 741060
John W Henderson
image number DSC_1175
image: DSC_1177
grave: 741061
John Burrell
image number DSC_1177
image: DSC_1178
grave: 741062
Mary Easterby
image number DSC_1178
image: DSC_1179
grave: 741063
John Ramsay
image number DSC_1179
image: DSC_1180
grave: 741064
Thomas Robson
image number DSC_1180
image: DSC_1182
grave: 741065
James Pigg
image number DSC_1182
image: DSC_1183
grave: 741066
William Pattison
image number DSC_1183
image: DSC_1184
grave: 741067
Agnes Waugh
image number DSC_1184
image: DSC_1185
grave: 741068
Margaret Maddison
image number DSC_1185
image: DSC_1186
grave: 741069
Rachel Maughan
image number DSC_1186
image: DSC_1187
grave: 741070
Christopher Hall
image number DSC_1187
image: DSC_1188
grave: 741071
William Anderson
image number DSC_1188
image: DSC_1189
grave: 741072
Alice Green
image number DSC_1189
image: DSC_1190
grave: 741073
Matthew Moffat
image number DSC_1190
image: DSC_1191
grave: 741074
Ann Hall
image number DSC_1191
image: DSC_1192
grave: 741075
Thomas Henderson
image number DSC_1192
image: DSC_1193
grave: 741076
George Dent
image number DSC_1193
image: DSC_1194
grave: 741077
John Anderson
image number DSC_1194
image: DSC_1195
grave: 741078
Joseph Ogle
image number DSC_1195
image: DSC_1196
grave: 741079
James Spoors
image number DSC_1196
image: DSC_1197
grave: 741080
Elizabeth Horsley Maughan
image number DSC_1197
image: DSC_1198
grave: 741081
Margaret Watkin Smith
image number DSC_1198
image: DSC_1199
grave: 741082
William Fenwick
image number DSC_1199
image: DSC_1200
grave: 741083
Charles Edward Muitt
image number DSC_1200
image: DSC_1201
grave: 741084
Emanuel Fenwick
image number DSC_1201
image: DSC_1203
grave: 741085
Thomas Dickinson
image number DSC_1203
image: DSC_1205
grave: 741086
Marshall Craswell
image number DSC_1205
image: DSC_1206
grave: 741087
Jane Irving
image number DSC_1206
image: DSC_1207
grave: 741088
George Cuthbertson
image number DSC_1207
image: DSC_1208
grave: 741089
William Hedley
image number DSC_1208
image: DSC_1209
grave: 741090
Mary Johnson
image number DSC_1209
image: DSC_1210
grave: 741091
Thomas Askew
image number DSC_1210
image: DSC_1211
grave: 741092
Mary Dee
image number DSC_1211
image: DSC_1212
grave: 741093
Ann Bell
image number DSC_1212
image: DSC_1213
grave: 741094
Margaret Pickering
image number DSC_1213
image: DSC_1214
grave: 741095
John Todd
image number DSC_1214
image: DSC_1215
grave: 741096
William Armstrong
image number DSC_1215
image: DSC_1216
grave: 741097
Matthew Hankin
image number DSC_1216
image: DSC_1217
grave: 741098
John Sterling
image number DSC_1217
image: DSC_1218
grave: 741099
Henry Lilly
image number DSC_1218
image: DSC_1219
grave: 741100
Mary Marsh
image number DSC_1219
image: DSC_1220
grave: 741101
Donald Macdonald
image number DSC_1220
image: DSC_1221
grave: 741102
Abraham Haswell
image number DSC_1221
image: DSC_1222
grave: 741103
Mary Ann Laidler
image number DSC_1222
image: DSC_1223
grave: 741104
Ralph Selby
image number DSC_1223
image: DSC_1224
grave: 741105
Thomas John Pickett
image number DSC_1224
image: DSC_1225
grave: 741106
John Kitching
image number DSC_1225
image: DSC_1226
grave: 741107
Mary Ann James
image number DSC_1226
image: DSC_1227
grave: 741108
John James
image number DSC_1227
image: DSC_1228
grave: 741109
John James
image number DSC_1228
image: DSC_1230
grave: 741110
Margaret Jobling
image number DSC_1230
image: DSC_1231
grave: 741111
Anderson Greener
image number DSC_1231
image: DSC_1232
grave: 741112
Mary Ann Wears
image number DSC_1232
image: DSC_1234
grave: 741113
Samson Walker
image number DSC_1234
image: DSC_1236
grave: 741114
Isabel Smith
image number DSC_1236
image: DSC_1237
grave: 741115
Elizabeth Simpson
image number DSC_1237
image: DSC_1238
grave: 741116
Rowland James Frater
image number DSC_1238

Less thumbnails will be displayed if George Dent grave photograph was takens either near the beginning or the end of the photographic session. Instead of an image you will see one or more small boxes similar to the one shown below:

If you use this system to help find a grave, please let others know how well it went by using the GPR comments system.

This breadcrumb trail system was added to the GPR on 15th August 2016.