Gravestone Photographs Resource breadcrumb list for grave 638799Details of grave number 638799 at Tresco St Nicholas Isles of Scilly for Alice Downing Oyler

Alice Downing Oyler grave monument in Tresco St Nicholas burial ground, Isles of Scilly, Cornwall, England

Alice Downing Oyler grave monument: legible names and details

full nameburial
Alice Downing Oyler
Frederick Wilson Oyler
husband of Alice Downing Oyler
Brian Downing Oyler
26/04/1944121932relationship not known of Alice Downing Oyler

Breadcrumb trail images to help find Alice Downing Oyler grave location

(40 thumbnails before and after the grave with GPR number 638799)

The following thumbnail images are the 40 taken before and 40 after the one for Alice Downing Oyler was taken.

The grave monument thumbnail image for Alice Downing Oyler below has a background colour of green to help identify it.

Hopefully some of these thumbnails will help you locate the Alice Downing Oyler grave.

image: IoSTrs 009
grave: 638759
Dennis Orman Jenkins
image number IoSTrs 009
image: IoSTrs 010
grave: 638760
Clarance Handy
image number IoSTrs 010
image: IoSTrs 011
grave: 638761
Richard Patrick Bourke Barber
image number IoSTrs 011
image: IoSTrs 012
grave: 638762
Michaela Eleanor Curtis
image number IoSTrs 012
image: IoSTrs 013
grave: 638763
Kate Parkes
image number IoSTrs 013
image: IoSTrs 014
grave: 638764
Joyce Margaret Allen
image number IoSTrs 014
image: IoSTrs 015
grave: 638765
Bruce Allan Christopher
image number IoSTrs 015
image: IoSTrs 016
grave: 638766
William Wallace Edward Macgregor Truscott
image number IoSTrs 016
image: IoSTrs 017
grave: 638767
John Austen
image number IoSTrs 017
image: IoSTrs 018
grave: 638768
Cicely Frances Dorrien Smith
image number IoSTrs 018
image: IoSTrs 019
grave: 638769
Edith Innis Dorrien Smith
image number IoSTrs 019
image: IoSTrs 020
grave: 638770
Heloise Moore
image number IoSTrs 020
image: IoSTrs 021
grave: 638771
Anthony Edwin Budgett
image number IoSTrs 021
image: IoSTrs 022
grave: 638772
T F G Matthews
image number IoSTrs 022
image: IoSTrs 023
grave: 638773
Susie Ann Bates
image number IoSTrs 023
image: IoSTrs 024
grave: 638774
Ernest Tom Webber
image number IoSTrs 024
image: IoSTrs 025
grave: 638775
John F Jenkins
image number IoSTrs 025
image: IoSTrs 026
grave: 638776
George Trafford Key
image number IoSTrs 026
image: IoSTrs 027
grave: 638777
Edward Gibson Carss
image number IoSTrs 027
image: IoSTrs 028
grave: 638778
Florence Lucy Scriven
image number IoSTrs 028
image: IoSTrs 029/030
grave: 638779
Eliza Maud Jenkins
image number IoSTrs 029/030
image: IoSTrs 031
grave: 638780
Edwin Smith
image number IoSTrs 031
image: IoSTrs 032
grave: 638781
Robert Kelloway
image number IoSTrs 032
image: IoSTrs 033
grave: 638782
Frederick Wilson Oyler
image number IoSTrs 033
image: IoSTrs 034
grave: 638783
Lucie Woodcock
image number IoSTrs 034
image: IoSTrs 035
grave: 638784
Marian Woodcock
image number IoSTrs 035
image: IoSTrs 036
grave: 638785
William Henry Stevens
image number IoSTrs 036
image: IoSTrs 040
grave: 638786
Joe White
image number IoSTrs 040
image: IoSTrs 041
grave: 638787
Annie M Call
image number IoSTrs 041
image: IoSTrs 042
grave: 638788
Eva Grace Lambourn
image number IoSTrs 042
image: IoSTrs 043
grave: 638789
Frederick Venn
image number IoSTrs 043
image: IoSTrs 044
grave: 638790
Alice Hartley
image number IoSTrs 044
image: IoSTrs 045
grave: 638791
Ronald J Franklin
image number IoSTrs 045
image: IoSTrs 046
grave: 638792
Frank Lewis Christopher
image number IoSTrs 046
image: IoSTrs 047
grave: 638793
Mary Farmer
image number IoSTrs 047
image: IoSTrs 048
grave: 638794
James Farmer
image number IoSTrs 048
image: IoSTrs 049
grave: 638795
Robert Farrell
image number IoSTrs 049
image: IoSTrs 050
grave: 638796
Clarissa Roscholar
image number IoSTrs 050
image: IoSTrs 052
grave: 638797
Gertrude Taylor
image number IoSTrs 052
image: IoSTrs 053
grave: 638798
Sarah Ann Hoare
image number IoSTrs 053
image: IoSTrs 054
grave: 638799
Alice Downing Oyler
image number IoSTrs 054
image: IoSTrs 055
grave: 638800
Christina Jane Oyler
image number IoSTrs 055
image: IoSTrs 056
grave: 638801
John Henry Mitchell
image number IoSTrs 056
image: IoSTrs 057
grave: 638802
Lesley Nicola Kent
image number IoSTrs 057
image: IoSTrs 058
grave: 638803
Charlotte Mary Pender
image number IoSTrs 058
image: IoSTrs 059
grave: 638804
Leslie John Nicholls
image number IoSTrs 059
image: IoSTrs 060
grave: 638805
Freddie Woodcock
image number IoSTrs 060
image: IoSTrs 061
grave: 638806
Isabella Jennings
image number IoSTrs 061
image: IoSTrs 062
grave: 638807
Amelia Batteishill
image number IoSTrs 062
image: IoSTrs 063
grave: 638808
Philippa Steel
image number IoSTrs 063
image: IoSTrs 064
grave: 638809
Archie Kelloway
image number IoSTrs 064
image: IoSTrs 065
grave: 638810
Thomas C Stevens
image number IoSTrs 065
image: IoSTrs 066
grave: 638811
John Jenkins
image number IoSTrs 066
image: IoSTrs 067
grave: 638812
Charles Lakey
image number IoSTrs 067
image: IoSTrs 068
grave: 638813
Matilda Ellis
image number IoSTrs 068
image: IoSTrs 069
grave: 638814
Reginald J Woodcock
image number IoSTrs 069
image: IoSTrs 070
grave: 638815
Charles Wright
image number IoSTrs 070
image: IoSTrs 071
grave: 638816
John Richards
image number IoSTrs 071
image: IoSTrs 072
grave: 638817
Ursula Ellis
image number IoSTrs 072
image: IoSTrs 073
grave: 638818
Betsey Symons
image number IoSTrs 073
image: IoSTrs 074
grave: 638819
Samuel Rowling
image number IoSTrs 074
image: IoSTrs 075
grave: 638820
Elizabeth E Ryan
image number IoSTrs 075
image: IoSTrs 076
grave: 638821
John Ellis
image number IoSTrs 076
image: IoSTrs 077
grave: 638822
William Prideaux
image number IoSTrs 077
image: IoSTrs 078
grave: 638823
William Woodcock
image number IoSTrs 078
image: IoSTrs 079
grave: 638824
Israel Odger
image number IoSTrs 079
image: IoSTrs 080
grave: 638825
Alfred Simmers
image number IoSTrs 080
image: IoSTrs 081
grave: 638826
Thomas Pender
image number IoSTrs 081
image: IoSTrs 082
grave: 638827
Bessie Pender
image number IoSTrs 082
image: IoSTrs 083
grave: 638828
John Jenkins
image number IoSTrs 083
image: IoSTrs 084
grave: 638829
John Rice
image number IoSTrs 084
image: IoSTrs 085
grave: 638830
John Ellis
image number IoSTrs 085
image: IoSTrs 086
grave: 638831
Elizabeth Ellis
image number IoSTrs 086
image: IoSTrs 087
grave: 638832
Elizabeth Jane Jenkins
image number IoSTrs 087
image: IoSTrs 088
grave: 638833
James Jenkin
image number IoSTrs 088
image: IoSTrs 089
grave: 638834
John Jenkins
image number IoSTrs 089
image: IoSTrs 090
grave: 638835
Henry Jenkins
image number IoSTrs 090
image: IoSTrs 091
grave: 638836
Jane Pender
image number IoSTrs 091
image: IoSTrs 092
grave: 638837
Matthias Jenkins
image number IoSTrs 092
image: IoSTrs 093
grave: 638838
Walter Jenkin
image number IoSTrs 093
image: IoSTrs 094
grave: 638839
Peggy Jenkins
image number IoSTrs 094

Less thumbnails will be displayed if Alice Downing Oyler grave photograph was takens either near the beginning or the end of the photographic session. Instead of an image you will see one or more small boxes similar to the one shown below:

If you use this system to help find a grave, please let others know how well it went by using the GPR comments system.

This breadcrumb trail system was added to the GPR on 15th August 2016.