Gravestone Photographs Resource breadcrumb list for grave 215607Details of grave number 215607 at Cave Hill Louisville for Michael Charles Cherry

Michael Charles Cherry grave monument in Cave Hill cemetery, Louisville, Kentucky, United States

Michael Charles Cherry grave monument: legible names and details

full nameburial
Michael Charles Cherry
Sandra Osburn Cherry
1942relationship not given of Michael Charles Cherry

Breadcrumb trail images to help find Michael Charles Cherry grave location

(40 thumbnails before and after the grave with GPR number 215607)

The following thumbnail images are the 40 taken before and 40 after the one for Michael Charles Cherry was taken.

The grave monument thumbnail image for Michael Charles Cherry below has a background colour of green to help identify it.

Hopefully some of these thumbnails will help you locate the Michael Charles Cherry grave.

image: BowlesJM
grave: 215567
John B Bowles
image number BowlesJM
image: BowlesM
grave: 215568
Mary Guthrie Bowles
image number BowlesM
image: Boyce
grave: 215569
Maria Terry Boyce
image number Boyce
image: Bray
grave: 215570
James Ernest Bray
image number Bray
image: BrayParsons
grave: 215571
Margaret Virginia Parsons Bray
image number BrayParsons
image: BrownFrazierHead
grave: 215572
Owsley Brown Frazier
image number BrownFrazierHead
image: BrowningA
grave: 215573
Arden Orr Browning
image number BrowningA
image: BrowningAR
grave: 215574
Arden Orr Browning
image number BrowningAR
image: BrowningR
grave: 215575
Rebecca Deutsch Browning
image number BrowningR
image: Bruner
grave: 215576
Mary Bruner
image number Bruner
image: BuchnerH
grave: 215577
Henry S Buckner
image number BuchnerH
image: BucknerA
grave: 215578
Archibald Allen
image number BucknerA
image: BucknerHead
grave: 215579
image number BucknerHead
image: Buffenmyer
grave: 215580
Hervey Buffenmyer
image number Buffenmyer
image: BullittA
grave: 215581
Amelia Bullitt
image number BullittA
image: BullittC
grave: 215582
Cuthbert Bullitt
image number BullittC
image: BuntonHead
grave: 215583
Thomas Lewis Bunton
image number BuntonHead
image: BurchardHead
grave: 215584
image number BurchardHead
image: BurchardJ
grave: 215585
Ida D Burghard
image number BurchardJ
image: BurchardW
grave: 215586
William F Burghard
image number BurchardW
image: Burchett
grave: 215587
R Douglas Burchett
image number Burchett
image: BurnettF
grave: 215588
Frances B Burnett
image number BurnettF
image: BushF
grave: 215589
Frances Buckner Bush
image number BushF
image: BushM
grave: 215590
Mortimer Buckner
image number BushM
image: BushP
grave: 215591
Pamela Norton Buckner
image number BushP
image: CAbernathy
grave: 215592
Buford Denty Abernathy
image number CAbernathy
image: CAbernathyB
grave: 215593
Buford D Abernathy
image number CAbernathyB
image: CAnderson
grave: 215594
Theodore M Anderson
image number CAnderson
image: Caplinger
grave: 215595
Harold Strother Caplinger
image number Caplinger
image: CaplingerHead
grave: 215596
Claude E Cummins Caplinger
image number CaplingerHead
image: Carr
grave: 215597
Robert B Carr
image number Carr
image: Carrington
grave: 215598
Ferdinand Sala Carrington
image number Carrington
image: Carter
grave: 215599
George Douglass Carter
image number Carter
image: CButcher
grave: 215600
John Allen Charles
image number CButcher
image: Chapman
grave: 215601
Sunny J Chapman
image number Chapman
image: ChapmanB
grave: 215602
Ida Chapman
image number ChapmanB
image: ChapmanBL
grave: 215603
Cora Chapman
image number ChapmanBL
image: CherryD
grave: 215604
Dorothy O'Connell Cherry
image number CherryD
image: CherryFountain
grave: 215605
image number CherryFountain
image: CherryH
grave: 215606
H Wendell Cherry
image number CherryH
image: CherryM
grave: 215607
Michael Charles Cherry
image number CherryM
image: Chilton
grave: 215608
Jennifer Byrd Chilton
image number Chilton
image: Chreste
grave: 215609
Herbert L Chreste
image number Chreste
image: ChurchillA
grave: 215610
Alexander Churchill
image number ChurchillA
image: ChurchillH
grave: 215611
Harry Churchill
image number ChurchillH
image: ChurchillJM
grave: 215612
John McKinley Churchill
image number ChurchillJM
image: ChurchillM
grave: 215613
Mary Churchill
image number ChurchillM
image: ChurchillWP
grave: 215614
Worden Pope Churchill
image number ChurchillWP
image: ClarkDaniel
grave: 215615
Caroline Jane Clark
image number ClarkDaniel
image: ClarkJM
grave: 215616
J H Churchill Clark
image number ClarkJM
image: ClarkM
grave: 215617
Mattie N Rae
image number ClarkM
image: ClarkMA
grave: 215618
Mary Anderson Clark
image number ClarkMA
image: ClarkMB
grave: 215619
Mary Barbaroux Clark
image number ClarkMB
image: ClarkME
grave: 215620
Margaret E Clark
image number ClarkME
image: Clay
grave: 215621
Julia Clay
image number Clay
image: ClayCapt
grave: 215622
Henry Clay
image number ClayCapt
image: Claypool
grave: 215623
Allen Yelton Claypool
image number Claypool
image: Clifton
grave: 215624
William B Clifton
image number Clifton
image: Cliftona
grave: 215625
W B Clifton
image number Cliftona
image: CliftonAwife
grave: 215626
image number CliftonAwife
image: CliftonC
grave: 215627
Charles Hewitt Clifton
image number CliftonC
image: Collins
grave: 215628
Harry Leon Collins
image number Collins
image: CollinsHead
grave: 215629
Harry Leon Collins
image number CollinsHead
image: Colston
grave: 215630
Josiah C Colston
image number Colston
image: CookC
grave: 215631
Clemence L Cook
image number CookC
image: CookHead
grave: 215632
image number CookHead
image: CookM
grave: 215633
Mary Catherine Sullivan Cook
image number CookM
image: CookME
grave: 215634
Mary Eleanor Nowacki Cook
image number CookME
image: CookR
grave: 215635
Robert Michael Cook
image number CookR
image: CookRP
grave: 215636
Robert Paul Cook
image number CookRP
image: Coomer
grave: 215637
Richard G Coomer
image number Coomer
image: Cornwall
grave: 215638
John Cornwall
image number Cornwall
image: CornwallA
grave: 215639
Aaron Woolley Cornwall
image number CornwallA
image: CornwallE
grave: 215640
Eleanor D Cornwall
image number CornwallE
image: CornwallH
grave: 215641
Henry D Cornwall
image number CornwallH
image: CornwallM
grave: 215642
Mary B Cornwall
image number CornwallM
image: CornwallO
grave: 215643
Olive Starbird Cornwall
image number CornwallO
image: CornwallOB
grave: 215644
Olive Berry Starbird
image number CornwallOB
image: CornwallR
grave: 215645
Richard Hart Cornwall
image number CornwallR
image: CornwallW
grave: 215646
Mary P Cornwall
image number CornwallW
image: CornwallWm
grave: 215647
William Cornwall
image number CornwallWm

Less thumbnails will be displayed if Michael Charles Cherry grave photograph was takens either near the beginning or the end of the photographic session. Instead of an image you will see one or more small boxes similar to the one shown below:

If you use this system to help find a grave, please let others know how well it went by using the GPR comments system.

This breadcrumb trail system was added to the GPR on 15th August 2016.