Gravestone Photographs Resource breadcrumb list for grave 208273Details of grave number 208273 at High Blantyre Blantyre for Margaret McIlwraith

Margaret McIlwraith grave monument in High Blantyre cemetery, Blantyre, Lanarkshire, Scotland

Margaret McIlwraith grave monument: legible names and details

full nameburial
Margaret McIlwraith nee Meechan
James McIlwraith
1996701926husband of Margaret McIlwraith

Breadcrumb trail images to help find Margaret McIlwraith grave location

(10 thumbnails before and after the grave with GPR number 208273)

The following thumbnail images are the 10 taken before and 10 after the one for Margaret McIlwraith was taken.

The grave monument thumbnail image for Margaret McIlwraith below has a background colour of green to help identify it.

Hopefully some of these thumbnails will help you locate the Margaret McIlwraith grave.

image: 673
grave: 208263
Michael Tonner
image number 673
image: 674
grave: 208264
David G Dall
image number 674
image: 675
grave: 208265
Frank Donnelly
image number 675
image: 676
grave: 208266
Grace Dunsmore
image number 676
image: 676
grave: 208267
Robert Dunsmore
image number 676
image: 677
grave: 208268
Alexander McIvor
image number 677
image: 678
grave: 208269
James McQuade
image number 678
image: 679
grave: 208270
Helen West Williams
image number 679
image: 680
grave: 208271
David Walkinshaw
image number 680
image: 681
grave: 208272
Mary Chatham
image number 681
image: 682
grave: 208273
Margaret McIlwraith
image number 682
image: 683
grave: 208274
Donald King
image number 683
image: 684
grave: 208275
Lawrence Daly
image number 684
image: 685
grave: 208276
John Nelson
image number 685
image: 686
grave: 208277
Manus Duddy
image number 686
image: 687
grave: 208278
Margaret L Mooney
image number 687
image: 688
grave: 208279
Elizabeth Hyslop
image number 688
image: 689
grave: 208280
W B F Jeffrey
image number 689
image: 690
grave: 208281
John Barton
image number 690
image: 691
grave: 208282
Samuel Hart
image number 691
image: 692
grave: 208283
Thomas Brownlie
image number 692

Change the number of thumbnails displayed before and after Margaret McIlwraith grave

If you use this system to help find a grave, please let others know how well it went by using the GPR comments system.

This breadcrumb trail system was added to the GPR on 15th August 2016.