Gravestone Photographs Resource breadcrumb list for grave 161724Details of grave number 161724 at St James Anglican Crown Hill Vespra for Frederick J Chapman

Frederick J Chapman grave monument in St James Anglican Crown Hill burial ground, Vespra, Ontario, Canada

Frederick J Chapman grave monument: legible names and details

full nameburial
Frederick J Chapman
Kathleen E Demberline
1927wife of Frederick J Chapman

Breadcrumb trail images to help find Frederick J Chapman grave location

(10 thumbnails before and after the grave with GPR number 161724)

The following thumbnail images are the 10 taken before and 10 after the one for Frederick J Chapman was taken.

The grave monument thumbnail image for Frederick J Chapman below has a background colour of green to help identify it.

Hopefully some of these thumbnails will help you locate the Frederick J Chapman grave.

image: CaldwellLillian
grave: 161714
Howard George Caldwell
image number CaldwellLillian
image: CaldwellMary
grave: 161715
Robert F Caldwell
image number CaldwellMary
image: CaldwellNorval
grave: 161716
Norval Caldwell
image number CaldwellNorval
image: CaldwellRobert
grave: 161717
Lewis Robert Caldwell
image number CaldwellRobert
image: CaldwellRobertAnn
grave: 161718
Robert Caldwell
image number CaldwellRobertAnn
image: CaldwellThomas
grave: 161719
Thomas Caldwell
image number CaldwellThomas
image: CaldwellVernon
grave: 161720
Vernon A Caldwell
image number CaldwellVernon
image: CaldwellWmOrloff
grave: 161721
William Orloff Caldwell
image number CaldwellWmOrloff
image: CarsonRalph
grave: 161722
Ralph Eldon Carson
image number CarsonRalph
image: Cassidy
grave: 161723
Irene M Cave
image number Cassidy
image: ChapmanFrederick
grave: 161724
Frederick J Chapman
image number ChapmanFrederick
image: ChappellFredE
grave: 161725
Frederick E Chapell
image number ChappellFredE
image: ChappellHepworth
grave: 161726
Hepworth Chappell
image number ChappellHepworth
image: ChappellJohn
grave: 161727
John H Chappell
image number ChappellJohn
image: ChappellSimon
grave: 161728
Simon Chappell
image number ChappellSimon
image: ClarkWmBill
grave: 161729
Wm Andrew Clark
image number ClarkWmBill
image: ColdwellAnn
grave: 161730
Ann Coldwell
image number ColdwellAnn
image: ColdwellMary
grave: 161731
Mary Coldwell
image number ColdwellMary
image: CougheyEdrey
grave: 161732
Edrey A Coughey
image number CougheyEdrey
image: CougheyHarry
grave: 161733
Harry Coughey
image number CougheyHarry
image: CurtisStephen
grave: 161734
Stephen Curtis
image number CurtisStephen

Change the number of thumbnails displayed before and after Frederick J Chapman grave

If you use this system to help find a grave, please let others know how well it went by using the GPR comments system.

This breadcrumb trail system was added to the GPR on 15th August 2016.