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Gravestone photographic resource Germany page Berlin (Germany ) grave monument locations

Berlin locations that have been photographed and indexed by the GPR

imagecity / town / villagechurch graveyard /
cemetery / memorial name
namesrequestsstatuspending notesdate added
SophiengemeindeAckerstrasseSophiengemeinde22691,606 30 September 2012
St ElisabethSt Elisabeth401031,606 02 May 2014
Alte Friedhof St Marien-St NikolaiBerlinAlte Friedhof St Marien-St Nikolai1703581,606 09 February 2015
DorotheenDorotheen481131,606 13 April 2012
FrenchFrench15191,606 14 November 2011
FrenchFrench16201,606 19 December 2012
Friedhof II SophiengemeindeFriedhof II Sophiengemeinde22691,606 19 December 2012
Friedhofe Vor Dem Halleschen TorFriedhofe Vor Dem Halleschen Tor1183061,606 19 December 2012
GarnisonGarnison49731,606 14 April 2012
InvalidenInvaliden46731,606 14 April 2012
SenerfelderplatzSenerfelderplatz34701,606 19 December 2012
Senerfelderplatz JewishSenerfelderplatz Jewish34701,606 14 November 2011
St Marien-St NikolaiSt Marien-St Nikolai1743771,606 14 November 2014
Weissensee (pt 1)Weissensee (pt 1)821641,607 19 December 2012
Weissensee (pt 1)Weissensee (pt 1)821641,606 17 December 2013
Weissensee (pt 2)Weissensee (pt 2)1572751,606 17 December 2013
Georgenfriedhof IGeorgenGeorgenfriedhof I501661,606 22 May 2015
Dorotheen Ii (extension)LiesenstrasseDorotheen Ii (extension)34961,606 30 September 2012
French Hugenot extnFrench Hugenot extn37901,606 30 September 2012
St HedwigSt Hedwig21591,606 30 September 2012
Luisenfriedhof ILuisenLuisenfriedhof I5101,606 22 May 2015
Luisenfriedhof IILuisenfriedhof II291201,606 22 May 2015
Luisenfriedhof IIILuisenfriedhof III18541,606 22 May 2015
NikolaikircheNikolaikirchplatzNikolaikirche261,606 09 February 2015
Freireligiose FriedhofsparkPapelalleeFreireligiose Friedhofspark14191,606 09 February 2015
Alter Luisenstadt (part 1)SchonebergAlter Luisenstadt (part 1)25871,606 06 May 2016
Alter St MatthausAlter St Matthaus611801,606 06 May 2016
Jewish Pt2SenerfelderplatzJewish Pt2891741,606 30 September 2012

The Berlin area list

The grave monument sites within Berlin listed above (with links) are ones that have been photographed and indexed by the GPR.The ones in red (without links) are pending and will be added once they have been photographed and indexed.

To see details of a particular church, cemetery or other memorial sites, click its name link. To see details of all the churches, cemeteries and war memorials in a particular location (city / town / village), click on the location name.

Cemetery, churchyard and memorial names that are listed in RED are ones which volunteers are currently photographing and indexing and are therefore not yet available.

The list below gives the complete list of pending locations within Berlin.

Berlin grave monument locations scheduled to be photographed and indexed by the GPR

No pending cemeteries listed.

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