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Gravestone photographic resource England page Buckinghamshire (England ) grave monument locations

Buckinghamshire locations that have been photographed and indexed by the GPR

city / town / villagechurch graveyard /
cemetery / memorial name
namesrequestsstatuspending notesdate added
AmershamKings3152,796oddments (less than ten) before 2010
Platt13272,796oddments (less than ten) before 2010
St Mary Concentrated29512,79610% complete122 January 2014
AshendonSt Mary (part 1)482,796 11 November 2016
AylesburyTring Road9212,796 25 November 2013
Tring Road (part 2)1583072,797 11 November 2016
BeaconsfieldShepherds Lane931662,79620% complete 03 November 2013
BiertonWesleyan Chapel41712,796believed to be complete except inside church 29 March 2012
BledlowHoly Trinity34652,797 30 September 2012
Bledlow RidgeSt Paul1923272,798 24 July 2014
CheniesSt Michael36482,796 31 May 2015
ColnbrookSt Thomas112,796 06 April 2011
DatchetSt Mary122,796 06 April 2011
Eton WickSt John the Baptist272,796 06 April 2011
Great MissendenSt Peter and St Paul1864142,796 24 May 2015
HanslopeSt James the Great2954912,799 02 May 2014
HardwickSt Mary the Virgin1803072,796 20 August 2017
War Memorial12122,796 20 August 2017
HortonSt Michael5122,796 06 April 2011
Little KimbleAll Saints10292,796 before 2010
Little MissendenSt John the Baptist1743372,797 24 May 2015
War Memorial36362,796 24 May 2015
Monks RisboroughSt Dunston16352,797 before 2010
OlneyWar Memorial84842,796believed to be complete 30 March 2023
PennHoly Trinity492,796 before 2010
Princes RisboroughBaptist491132,799 before 2010
RadnageSt Mary the Virgin2003232,798 05 October 2012
Seer GreenHoly Trinity1152262,797 18 December 2013
SwanbourneWar Memorial66662,796 21 June 2016
WolvertonSt George the Martyr1483492,797 02 May 2014
St George the Martyr451102,796 27 January 2017

The Buckinghamshire area list

The grave monument sites within Buckinghamshire listed above (with links) are ones that have been photographed and indexed by the GPR.The ones in red (without links) are pending and will be added once they have been photographed and indexed.

To see details of a particular church, cemetery or other memorial sites, click its name link. To see details of all the churches, cemeteries and war memorials in a particular location (city / town / village), click on the location name.

Cemetery, churchyard and memorial names that are listed in RED are ones which volunteers are currently photographing and indexing and are therefore not yet available.

The list below gives the complete list of pending locations within Buckinghamshire.

Buckinghamshire grave monument locations scheduled to be photographed and indexed by the GPR

No pending cemeteries listed.

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