Frequently asked questions (FAQs)
Relationships mentioned on grave monuments
Usually, when there is more than one name mentioned on a grave monument relationships are given. The GPR uses this information to record the relationships as they relate to the first mentioned name on the monument.
Below is a list of all the relationships currently recorded with the GPR:
relationship codes
On most grave monuments there are usually more than one name. The GPR stores relationship information about each of these names. This relationship information shows the relationship between a name on the monument and the first name mentioned on that monument.
The GPR stores details of all names listed on a monument and not just the names of people buried in the grave. This is paticularly useful for family history researchers to help them identify ancestors. For instance, it would be difficult to identify a child without the details of its parents.
relationship code | relationship to first name on the monument |
a | first name on monument |
ab | adopted brother |
ad | adopted daughter |
af | adopted father |
al | alias |
am | adopted mother |
as | adopted son |
asis | adopted sister |
au | aunt |
aul | aunt in law |
b | brother |
be | benefactor |
bil | brother-in-law |
bl | brother-in-law |
bn | birth name |
c | cousin |
ch | child |
cil | cousin-in-law |
co | colleague |
com | comrade |
cw | co-worker |
cr | church record |
d | daughter |
dh2 | daughter of second husband and wife |
dil | daughter-in-law |
dl | daughter-in-law |
dl1 | daughter-in-law (son's first wife) |
dl2 | daughter-in-law (son's second wife) |
dw2 | daughter of second wife and husband |
e | employer |
eh | employer of husband |
em | employee |
ew | employer of wife |
f | father |
fad | father of adopted daughter |
fas | father of adopted son |
fbl | father of brother-in-law |
fdl | father of daughter-in-law |
fi | fiancee |
fl | father-in-law |
fl1 | first father-in-law |
fl2 | second father-in-law |
fil | father-in-law |
fld | father-in-law of daughter |
flni | father-in-law of niece |
fls | father-in-law of son |
flw | father-in-law of wife |
fm | father or mother |
fod | foster daughter |
fof | foster father |
fom | foster mother |
fos | foster son |
fr | friend |
fsisl | father of sister-in-law |
fsl | father of son-in-law |
fw2 | father of second wife |
godd | god daughter |
godf | god father |
godm | god mother |
gods | god son |
ga | grand aunt |
gd | grand daughter |
gdh | grand daughters husband |
gdl | grand daughter-in-law |
gdil | grand daughter-in-law |
gf | grand father |
gfl | grand father-in-law |
gfil | grand father-in-law |
ggfil | great grand father-in-law |
ggfl | great grand father-in-law |
gga | great grand aunt |
ggd | great grand daughter |
gggd | great great grand daughter |
ggd4 | great great great grand daughter |
ggd5 | great great great great grand daughter |
ggni | great grand neice |
ggn | great grand nephew |
ggdl | great grand daughter-in-law |
ggdil | great grand daughter-in-law |
gggdl | great great grand daughter-in-law |
ggf | great grand father |
ggu | great grand uncle |
gggf | great great grand father |
ggf4 | great great great grand father |
ggf5 | great great great great grand father |
ggf6 | great great great great great grand father |
gm | grand mother |
gml | grand mother-in-law |
gmil | grand mother-in-law |
ggm | great grand mother |
gggm | great great grand mother |
ggm4 | great great great grand mother |
ggm5 | great great great great grand mother |
ggm6 | great great great great great grand mother |
gn | grand nephew |
gne | grand nephew |
gni | grand niece |
gnil | grand niece-in-law |
gs | grand son |
gsl | grand son-in-law |
gsil | grand son-in-law |
gsw | grand sons wife |
ggsl | great grand son-in-law |
ggsil | great grand son-in-law |
ggs | great grand son |
gggs | great great grand son |
ggs4 | great great grand grand son |
ggs5 | great great grand grand grand son |
ggs6 | great great grand grand grand grand son |
ggs7 | great great grand grand grand grand grand son |
ggs8 | great great grand grand grand grand grand grand ggson |
gggsil | great great grand son-in-law |
gggsl | great great grand son-in-law |
gu | grand uncle |
h | husband |
hb | half brother |
hbl | husbands brother in law |
heir | heir |
ho | housekeeper |
hs | half sister |
hsis | half sister |
hsl | husbands sister in law |
hsisl | husbands sister in law |
h1 | first husband |
h1d | first husband of daughter |
h1w | first husband of wife |
h1w2 | first husband of second wife |
h2 | second husband |
h2d | second husband of daughter |
h2dl | second husband of daughter in law |
h2m | second husband of mother |
h2w | second husband of wife |
h2w2 | second husband of second wife |
h3 | third husband |
h3w | third husband of wife |
h/w | husband or wife |
ib | inferred brother |
id | inferred daughter |
if | inferred father |
ih | inferred husband |
im | inferred mother |
is | inferred son |
isis | inferred sister |
iw | inferred wife |
m | mother |
mad | mother of adopted daughter |
mas | mother of adopted son |
mbl | mother of brother in law |
mdl | mother of daughter in law |
ml | mother-in-law |
ml1 | first mother-in-law |
ml2 | second mother-in-law |
mil | mother-in-law |
mis | mistress |
mo | monument owner |
msisl | mother of sister-in-law |
msl | mother of son in law |
n | nephew |
ne | nephew |
nel | nephew-in-law |
ng | relationship not given |
ni | niece |
nil | niece-in-law |
nl | nephew-in-law |
nr | not recorded |
o | relationship not given |
on | other name |
or | other record |
p | parent |
pn | pen name |
pnh | pen name of husband |
pnw | pen name of wife |
pt | partner |
r | relic (widow) |
sib | sibling |
sis | sister |
si | sister |
sisl | sister-in-law |
sisl2 | second sister-in-law |
sisil | sister-in-law |
s | son |
sb | step brother |
sbl | step brother-in-law |
sd | step daughter |
sdl | step daughter-in-law |
sdil | step daughter-in-law |
ser | servant |
sfr | son of friend |
sgd | step grand daughter |
sgf | step grand father |
sgm | step grand mother |
sgs | step grand son |
sh2 | son of second husband and wife |
sil | son-in-law |
sl | son-in-law |
sl1 | son-in-law (daughter's first husband) |
sl2 | son-in-law (daughter's second husband) |
sn | stage name |
snh | stage name of husband |
sne | step nephew |
sni | step neice |
snw | stage name of wife |
sf | step father |
sfl | step father-in-law |
sfil | step father-in-law |
sgfl | step grandfather-in-law |
sgml | step grandmother-in-law |
sm | step mother |
sml | step mother-in-law |
ssis | step sister |
sssil | step sister-in-law |
ss | step son |
ssl | step son-in-law |
stf | step father |
stm | step mother |
sov | Sovereign |
sw2 | son of second wife and husband |
twd | twin son |
u | uncle |
ul | uncle-in-law |
w | wife |
w1 | first wife |
w1h | first wife of husband |
w2 | second wife |
w2f | second wife of father |
w2h | second wife of husband |
w2s | second wife of son |
w2sl | second wife of son-in-law |
w3 | third wife |
w3h | third wife of husband |
w4 | fourth wife |
w4h | fourth wife of husband |
wbl | wifes brother in law |
wi | widow |
wid | widow |
wip | widows partner |
wgs | wife of grand son |
wr | widower |
wrp | widowers partner |
wsisl | wifes sister in law |
xh | ex-husband |
xw | ex-wife |
z | relationship not known |
| | relationship not known |
These relationship codes all relate to the first person indexed on a monument.