Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

The size of the grave monument images stored by the GPR

The images stored within the GPR vary in size. This depends upon the settings use on the volunteers camera.

The GPR asks volunteers to use the best quality setting that their camera can provide. This varies with the model and age of the camera used.

The GPR stores all the images taken by volunteers in a separate secure store. These images are then resized for use on the website. The size of the high quality images available on the website is usually between 300 and 500Kb. Sometimes, this quality is not sufficient to see all the detail. In these cases, image requestees can contact the GPR to see if an even higher quality image is available.

As part of the input proceedure to add new cemeteries to the website, thumbnail images are automatically generated for each grave. These images are displayed on each grave detail page. Thumbnail grave monument images are normally between 4-6Kb in size. This size is sufficient to give an indication of what the monument looks like but not big enough to read any text on it. To read any legible text on a monument, higher quality images of it can be request free of charge.

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Gravestone Photographic Resource (GPR)

An international directory of grave, tomb, war and other death memorials.

© copyright Gravestone Photographic Resource 1998 - 2024

Running free of charge for 26 years!