Gravestone Photographs Resource breadcrumb list for grave 855474Details of grave number 855474 at St James Ashreigney for Reginald John Boundy

Reginald John Boundy grave monument in St James burial ground, Ashreigney, Devon, England

Reginald John Boundy grave monument: legible names and details

full nameburial
Reginald John Boundy

Breadcrumb trail images to help find Reginald John Boundy grave location

(30 thumbnails before and after the grave with GPR number 855474)

The following thumbnail images are the 30 taken before and 30 after the one for Reginald John Boundy was taken.

The grave monument thumbnail image for Reginald John Boundy below has a background colour of green to help identify it.

Hopefully some of these thumbnails will help you locate the Reginald John Boundy grave.

image: DSC_3451
grave: 855444
Albert Anthony Turner
image number DSC_3451
image: DSC_3452
grave: 855445
Anthony Marles
image number DSC_3452
image: DSC_3453
grave: 855446
Frederick Parkhouse
image number DSC_3453
image: DSC_3454
grave: 855447
Robert Parkhouse
image number DSC_3454
image: DSC_3455
grave: 855448
John Alford
image number DSC_3455
image: DSC_3456
grave: 855449
William Cooke
image number DSC_3456
image: DSC_3457
grave: 855450
William Skinner
image number DSC_3457
image: DSC_3460
grave: 855451
Bessie Weeks
image number DSC_3460
image: DSC_3461
grave: 855452
Florence Harris
image number DSC_3461
image: DSC_3462
grave: 855453
Lucy Harris
image number DSC_3462
image: DSC_3463
grave: 855454
Enoch Cole
image number DSC_3463
image: DSC_3465
grave: 855455
George Reginald Tithecott
image number DSC_3465
image: DSC_3466
grave: 855456
William Callard
image number DSC_3466
image: DSC_3467
grave: 855457
Edmund Tout
image number DSC_3467
image: DSC_3468
grave: 855458
Susanna Alford
image number DSC_3468
image: DSC_3469
grave: 855459
Joseph Cole
image number DSC_3469
image: DSC_3470
grave: 855460
Ann Sampson
image number DSC_3470
image: DSC_3471
grave: 855461
Ann Cole
image number DSC_3471
image: DSC_3472
grave: 855462
John Letheren
image number DSC_3472
image: DSC_3473
grave: 855463
Elizabeth Cole
image number DSC_3473
image: DSC_3474
grave: 855464
Samuel Cole
image number DSC_3474
image: DSC_3475
grave: 855465
Thomas Carter
image number DSC_3475
image: DSC_3476
grave: 855466
Joan Carter
image number DSC_3476
image: DSC_3476
grave: 855467
William Cole
image number DSC_3476
image: DSC_3478
grave: 855468
Richard Cole
image number DSC_3478
image: DSC_3479
grave: 855469
William Heaman
image number DSC_3479
image: DSC_3480
grave: 855470
Amey Heaman
image number DSC_3480
image: DSC_3481
grave: 855471
Samuel Boundy
image number DSC_3481
image: DSC_3482
grave: 855472
Amy Boundy
image number DSC_3482
image: DSC_3484
grave: 855473
Mary Jane Boundy
image number DSC_3484
image: DSC_3485
grave: 855474
Reginald John Boundy
image number DSC_3485
image: DSC_3486
grave: 855475
Kathleen Bale Boundy
image number DSC_3486
image: DSC_3487
grave: 855476
Hedley Robert Ford
image number DSC_3487
image: DSC_3488
grave: 855477
Helen Boundy
image number DSC_3488
image: DSC_3489
grave: 855478
John Tout
image number DSC_3489
image: DSC_3745
grave: 855479
John Ashplant
image number DSC_3745
image: DSC_3746
grave: 855480
Richard Ashplant
image number DSC_3746
image: DSC_3747
grave: 855481
Edmund Down
image number DSC_3747
image: DSC_3751
grave: 855482
Mabel Annie Hockridge
image number DSC_3751
image: DSC_3752
grave: 855483
William Callard
image number DSC_3752
image: DSC_3753
grave: 855484
Dudley A T Maynard
image number DSC_3753
image: DSC_3754
grave: 855485
Anne Maynard
image number DSC_3754
image: DSC_3755
grave: 855486
Thomas Hancock
image number DSC_3755
image: DSC_3756
grave: 855487
Cyril Ware
image number DSC_3756
image: DSC_3757
grave: 855488
John Mitchell
image number DSC_3757
image: DSC_3758
grave: 855489
Mary Mitchell
image number DSC_3758
image: DSC_3759
grave: 855490
Jane Mitchell
image number DSC_3759
image: DSC_3760
grave: 855491
Betsy Mitchell
image number DSC_3760
image: DSC_3761
grave: 855492
Mary Mitchell
image number DSC_3761
image: DSC_3762
grave: 855493
Philip Mitchell
image number DSC_3762
image: DSC_3763
grave: 855494
Jane Mitchell
image number DSC_3763
image: DSC_3764
grave: 855495
Zillah Mitchell
image number DSC_3764
image: DSC_3765
grave: 855496
Ammiel Mitchell
image number DSC_3765
image: DSC_3766
grave: 855497
Philip Mitchell
image number DSC_3766
image: DSC_3767
grave: 855498
William Cole Hancock
image number DSC_3767
image: DSC_3768
grave: 855499
Jane Hancock
image number DSC_3768
image: DSC_3770
grave: 855500
Ivy Rose Cudmore
image number DSC_3770
image: DSC_3772
grave: 855501
John Mitchell Harris
image number DSC_3772
image: DSC_3773
grave: 855502
Richard Albert Middleton
image number DSC_3773
image: DSC_3774
grave: 855503
Richard Middleton
image number DSC_3774
image: DSC_3775
grave: 855504
John Turner
image number DSC_3775

Change the number of thumbnails displayed before and after Reginald John Boundy grave

If you use this system to help find a grave, please let others know how well it went by using the GPR comments system.

This breadcrumb trail system was added to the GPR on 15th August 2016.