Gravestone Photographs Resource breadcrumb list for grave 847929Details of grave number 847929 at St James Abbots Bickington for William Yeo

William Yeo grave monument in St James burial ground, Abbots Bickington, Devon, England

William Yeo grave monument: legible names and details

full nameburial
William Yeo

Breadcrumb trail images to help find William Yeo grave location

(30 thumbnails before and after the grave with GPR number 847929)

The following thumbnail images are the 30 taken before and 30 after the one for William Yeo was taken.

The grave monument thumbnail image for William Yeo below has a background colour of green to help identify it.

Hopefully some of these thumbnails will help you locate the William Yeo grave.

image: DSC682204
grave: 847927
Hugh Squire
image number DSC682204
image: DSC682305
grave: 847928
Dorothy Squire
image number DSC682305
image: DSC682406
grave: 847929
William Yeo
image number DSC682406
image: DSC682507
grave: 847930
Edward Owen Yeo
image number DSC682507
image: DSC682608
grave: 847931
Benjamin Yeo
image number DSC682608
image: DSC682709
grave: 847932
Daniel Bear
image number DSC682709
image: DSC6828010
grave: 847933
Mary Bear
image number DSC6828010
image: DSC6829011
grave: 847934
Azarias Bear
image number DSC6829011
image: DSC6832014
grave: 847935
Louisa Oke
image number DSC6832014
image: DSC6833015
grave: 847936
John Jones
image number DSC6833015
image: DSC6834016
grave: 847937
Grace Martin
image number DSC6834016
image: DSC6836018
grave: 847938
Mary Petherick
image number DSC6836018
image: DSC6837019
grave: 847939
Elizabeth Gread
image number DSC6837019
image: DSC6838020
grave: 847940
John Jollow
image number DSC6838020
image: DSC6838020
grave: 847941
Elizabeth Blake
image number DSC6838020
image: DSC6839021
grave: 847942
Mary Squire
image number DSC6839021
image: DSC6839021
grave: 847943
Grace Perrin
image number DSC6839021
image: DSC6840022
grave: 847944
John Reed
image number DSC6840022
image: DSC6842024
grave: 847945
Lewis Bellew
image number DSC6842024
image: DSC6843025
grave: 847946
Laurence Heal
image number DSC6843025
image: DSC6844026
grave: 847947
John Avery
image number DSC6844026
image: DSC6845027
grave: 847948
Elizabeth Avery
image number DSC6845027
image: DSC6846028
grave: 847949
Samuel Avery
image number DSC6846028
image: DSC6851033
grave: 847950
Thomas Pollard
image number DSC6851033
image: DSC6851033
grave: 847951
Sarah Prideaux
image number DSC6851033
image: DSC6855037
grave: 847952
Thomas Reed
image number DSC6855037
image: DSC6856038
grave: 847953
James Reed
image number DSC6856038
image: DSC6857039
grave: 847954
George Pinchin Allan Blomefield
image number DSC6857039
image: DSC6868050
grave: 847955
Maomi Orchard
image number DSC6868050
image: DSC6869051
grave: 847956
Thomas Evans
image number DSC6869051
image: DSC6870052
grave: 847957
Charlotte Burnard
image number DSC6870052
image: DSC6873055
grave: 847958
Sarah Avery
image number DSC6873055

Change the number of thumbnails displayed before and after William Yeo grave

If you use this system to help find a grave, please let others know how well it went by using the GPR comments system.

This breadcrumb trail system was added to the GPR on 15th August 2016.