Gravestone Photographs Resource breadcrumb list for grave 645931Details of grave number 645931 at Woodvale Brighton for Robert Bruce Milne

Robert Bruce Milne grave monument in Woodvale cemetery, Brighton, Sussex, England

Robert Bruce Milne grave monument: legible names and details

full nameburial
Robert Bruce Milne
Alice Elizabeth Milne
1947711876wife of Robert Bruce Milne

Breadcrumb trail images to help find Robert Bruce Milne grave location

(20 thumbnails before and after the grave with GPR number 645931)

The following thumbnail images are the 20 taken before and 20 after the one for Robert Bruce Milne was taken.

The grave monument thumbnail image for Robert Bruce Milne below has a background colour of green to help identify it.

Hopefully some of these thumbnails will help you locate the Robert Bruce Milne grave.

image: DSC_0711
grave: 645911
Edward Kerswell Watts
image number DSC_0711
image: DSC_0712
grave: 645912
Marion Hebbett
image number DSC_0712
image: DSC_0714
grave: 645913
Thomas William Wisdom
image number DSC_0714
image: DSC_0715
grave: 645914
Fanny Cupit
image number DSC_0715
image: DSC_0717
grave: 645915
Anne Kirby
image number DSC_0717
image: DSC_0718
grave: 645916
Isabella Smith
image number DSC_0718
image: DSC_0719
grave: 645917
Frances Thomas Wilson
image number DSC_0719
image: DSC_0720
grave: 645918
Henry White Hitchins
image number DSC_0720
image: DSC_0721
grave: 645919
Henry Hilliar
image number DSC_0721
image: DSC_0722
grave: 645920
Kate Caroline Comber
image number DSC_0722
image: DSC_0723
grave: 645921
Henry Machonochie De Lusignan
image number DSC_0723
image: DSC_0726
grave: 645922
Edward Mckellar
image number DSC_0726
image: DSC_0727
grave: 645923
Ernest Herbert Measures
image number DSC_0727
image: DSC_0728
grave: 645924
Ernest E Humphrys
image number DSC_0728
image: DSC_0729
grave: 645925
Albert Pridham
image number DSC_0729
image: DSC_0730
grave: 645926
Henrietta Eleanor Priest
image number DSC_0730
image: DSC_0731
grave: 645927
Mary Jane Dunn Coleman
image number DSC_0731
image: DSC_0732
grave: 645928
Sophia Morse
image number DSC_0732
image: DSC_0733
grave: 645929
Catharine Lucy Smith
image number DSC_0733
image: DSC_0734
grave: 645930
Joseph Peell
image number DSC_0734
image: DSC_0735
grave: 645931
Robert Bruce Milne
image number DSC_0735
image: DSC_0736
grave: 645932
George Forbes
image number DSC_0736
image: DSC_0737
grave: 645933
Arthur J W Osman
image number DSC_0737
image: DSC_0738
grave: 645934
Henry Thomas Holloway
image number DSC_0738
image: DSC_0739
grave: 645935
Charlotte Ellen Martin
image number DSC_0739
image: DSC_0740
grave: 645936
Alfred Holman
image number DSC_0740
image: DSC_0741
grave: 645937
Cecelia Georgiana Martin
image number DSC_0741
image: DSC_0742
grave: 645938
George Starley
image number DSC_0742
image: DSC_0855
grave: 645939
C G A Parsons
image number DSC_0855
image: DSC_0856
grave: 645940
A Hones
image number DSC_0856
image: DSC_0857
grave: 645941
L E Collier
image number DSC_0857
image: DSC_2267
grave: 645942
Mary Chandler
image number DSC_2267
image: DSC_2268
grave: 645943
Felicia Bishop
image number DSC_2268
image: DSC_2270
grave: 645944
James Lashford
image number DSC_2270
image: DSC_2272
grave: 645945
William Overall
image number DSC_2272
image: DSC_2273
grave: 645946
Felix George Neall
image number DSC_2273
image: DSC_2274
grave: 645947
John Phillips
image number DSC_2274
image: DSC_2276
grave: 645948
Edward Baker
image number DSC_2276
image: DSC_2277
grave: 645949
Harry R Berrington Ellison
image number DSC_2277
image: DSC_2278
grave: 645950
John Terry
image number DSC_2278
image: DSC_2279
grave: 645951
Louisa Gertrude Caplen
image number DSC_2279

Change the number of thumbnails displayed before and after Robert Bruce Milne grave

If you use this system to help find a grave, please let others know how well it went by using the GPR comments system.

This breadcrumb trail system was added to the GPR on 15th August 2016.