Gravestone Photographs Resource breadcrumb list for grave 620896Details of grave number 620896 at Cill Chriosd Broadford for Joseph Nicolson

Joseph Nicolson grave monument in Cill Chriosd burial ground, Broadford, Isle of Skye, Scotland

Joseph Nicolson grave monument: legible names and details

full nameburial
Joseph Nicolson
Naomi Nicolson
1885 1885daughter of Joseph Nicolson
Christina Nicolson
1943511892daughter of Joseph Nicolson
Jemima Nicolson
1932321900daughter of Joseph Nicolson
Katie Ann Nicolson
1986861900daughter of Joseph Nicolson
Angus Nicolson
1906221884son of Joseph Nicolson
George Nicolson
189041886son of Joseph Nicolson
Angus Nicolson
1946491897son-in-law of Joseph Nicolson
Mary Ann Nicolson
1922631859wife of Joseph Nicolson

Breadcrumb trail images to help find Joseph Nicolson grave location

(20 thumbnails before and after the grave with GPR number 620896)

The following thumbnail images are the 20 taken before and 20 after the one for Joseph Nicolson was taken.

The grave monument thumbnail image for Joseph Nicolson below has a background colour of green to help identify it.

Hopefully some of these thumbnails will help you locate the Joseph Nicolson grave.

image: DSC_9491
grave: 620876
Hugh Mckinnon
image number DSC_9491
image: DSC_9491
grave: 620877
Christina Mckinnon
image number DSC_9491
image: DSC_9492
grave: 620878
D Mackinnon
image number DSC_9492
image: DSC_9493
grave: 620879
John Mackinnon
image number DSC_9493
image: DSC_9494
grave: 620880
Lachlan Mackinnon
image number DSC_9494
image: DSC_9495
grave: 620881
John Mackinnon
image number DSC_9495
image: DSC_9496
grave: 620882
Hector Mckinnon
image number DSC_9496
image: DSC_9497
grave: 620883
Chirsty Mcpherson
image number DSC_9497
image: DSC_9498
grave: 620884
Alexander Mckinnon
image number DSC_9498
image: DSC_9499
grave: 620885
Peggie Matheson
image number DSC_9499
image: DSC_9500
grave: 620886
Emma Matheson
image number DSC_9500
image: DSC_9501
grave: 620887
Lachlan Maclean
image number DSC_9501
image: DSC_9502
grave: 620888
J Mackinnon
image number DSC_9502
image: DSC_9503
grave: 620889
Lachlan Grant
image number DSC_9503
image: DSC_9504
grave: 620890
Norman Nicolson
image number DSC_9504
image: DSC_9505
grave: 620891
Roderick Macinnes
image number DSC_9505
image: DSC_9506
grave: 620892
Archie Macdonald
image number DSC_9506
image: DSC_9507
grave: 620893
Alexander Grant
image number DSC_9507
image: DSC_9508
grave: 620894
Ewen Macdonald
image number DSC_9508
image: DSC_9509
grave: 620895
Margaret Grant
image number DSC_9509
image: DSC_9510
grave: 620896
Joseph Nicolson
image number DSC_9510
image: DSC_9511
grave: 620897
Janet Martin
image number DSC_9511
image: DSC_9512
grave: 620898
W A Jewell
image number DSC_9512
image: DSC_9513
grave: 620899
E E L Thurling
image number DSC_9513
image: DSC_9514
grave: 620900
Oliver F Leah
image number DSC_9514
image: DSC_9515
grave: 620901
Roderick Macdonald
image number DSC_9515
image: DSC_9516
grave: 620902
Alexanderina Simpson
image number DSC_9516
image: DSC_9517
grave: 620903
Ronald T Leah
image number DSC_9517
image: DSC_9517
grave: 620904
William G Leah
image number DSC_9517
image: DSC_9518
grave: 620905
Donald Logan
image number DSC_9518
image: DSC_9520
grave: 620906
Catherine Mackinnon
image number DSC_9520
image: DSC_9522
grave: 620907
John Mackinnon
image number DSC_9522
image: DSC_9522
grave: 620908
John Mackinnon
image number DSC_9522
image: DSC_9539
grave: 620909
David Ross
image number DSC_9539
image: DSC_9541
grave: 620910
Robert Gibson
image number DSC_9541
image: DSC_9542
grave: 620911
James Ross
image number DSC_9542
image: DSC_9544
grave: 620912
Donald Faichney
image number DSC_9544
image: DSC_9545
grave: 620913
Percy W H Marchant
image number DSC_9545
image: DSC_9550
grave: 620914
Samuel Campbell
image number DSC_9550
image: DSC_9550b
grave: 620915
Duncan Campbell
image number DSC_9550b
image: DSC_9550c
grave: 620916
Anne Campbell
image number DSC_9550c

Change the number of thumbnails displayed before and after Joseph Nicolson grave

If you use this system to help find a grave, please let others know how well it went by using the GPR comments system.

This breadcrumb trail system was added to the GPR on 15th August 2016.