Gravestone Photographs Resource breadcrumb list for grave 151897Details of grave number 151897 at Knox Hill Presbyterian Williamsford for Alexander McCracken

Alexander McCracken grave monument in Knox Hill Presbyterian burial ground, Williamsford, Ontario, Canada

Alexander McCracken grave monument: legible names and details

full nameburial
Alexander McCracken
Sarah J McCracken
1847wife of Alexander McCracken

Breadcrumb trail images to help find Alexander McCracken grave location

(30 thumbnails before and after the grave with GPR number 151897)

The following thumbnail images are the 30 taken before and 30 after the one for Alexander McCracken was taken.

The grave monument thumbnail image for Alexander McCracken below has a background colour of green to help identify it.

Hopefully some of these thumbnails will help you locate the Alexander McCracken grave.

image: KHAdaBell
grave: 151894
Ada Bell
image number KHAdaBell
image: KHAitcheson
grave: 151895
Elizabeth Ewing
image number KHAitcheson
image: KHAitchesonTall
grave: 151896
Sadie Ann McElwain
image number KHAitchesonTall
image: KHAlexanderMcCracken
grave: 151897
Alexander McCracken
image number KHAlexanderMcCracken
image: KHAlexanderMcCrackencu
grave: 151898
Alexander McCracken
image number KHAlexanderMcCrackencu
image: KHAlexanderRMcCracken
grave: 151899
Alexander McCracken
image number KHAlexanderRMcCracken
image: KHAndrewMitchell
grave: 151900
Andrew H Mitchell
image number KHAndrewMitchell
image: KHAndrewMitchellcu
grave: 151901
Andrew H Mitchell
image number KHAndrewMitchellcu
image: KHAngusArmstrong
grave: 151902
Angus Armstrong
image number KHAngusArmstrong
image: KHAntonSchwandt
grave: 151903
Anton Schwandt
image number KHAntonSchwandt
image: KHAshbury
grave: 151904
William Ashbury
image number KHAshbury
image: KHAugustina
grave: 151905
image number KHAugustina
image: KHBabyElliott
grave: 151906
Baby Elliot
image number KHBabyElliott
image: KHBeatrix
grave: 151907
Beatrix Halliday
image number KHBeatrix
image: KHBeatrixHallidaycu
grave: 151908
Beatrix Halliday
image number KHBeatrixHallidaycu
image: KHBechtel
grave: 151909
Peter Eckel
image number KHBechtel
image: KHBenitaAshbury
grave: 151910
Benita Jane Ashbury
image number KHBenitaAshbury
image: KHBuchanan
grave: 151911
image number KHBuchanan
image: KHChildrenAitcheson
grave: 151912
Jane Aitcheson
image number KHChildrenAitcheson
image: KHChristinaBuchanan
grave: 151913
Christina Buchanan
image number KHChristinaBuchanan
image: KHChristopherRobertson
grave: 151914
Christopher Robertson
image number KHChristopherRobertson
image: KHCrozier
grave: 151915
David Crozier
image number KHCrozier
image: KHBonald
grave: 151916
John Bonald
image number KHBonald
image: KHDBonaldTall
grave: 151917
John Bonald
image number KHDBonaldTall
image: KHEBuchanan
grave: 151918
Elizabeth Buchanan
image number KHEBuchanan
image: LJEckhardt
grave: 151919
Carl Krause
image number LJEckhardt
image: KHElizabethLettimore
grave: 151920
Eliza A Lettimore
image number KHElizabethLettimore
image: KHElliot2cu
grave: 151921
Mary Elliot
image number KHElliot2cu
image: KHElliott
grave: 151922
M Merran McBride
image number KHElliott
image: KHElliott2
grave: 151923
Mary Elliot
image number KHElliott2
image: KHEmmaEagle
grave: 151924
Joseph Beirnes
image number KHEmmaEagle
image: KHEmmaFuster
grave: 151925
Emma Foster
image number KHEmmaFuster
image: KHEsra
grave: 151926
Esra Boldt
image number KHEsra
image: KHFrazer
grave: 151927
Margaret Craig
image number KHFrazer

Change the number of thumbnails displayed before and after Alexander McCracken grave

If you use this system to help find a grave, please let others know how well it went by using the GPR comments system.

This breadcrumb trail system was added to the GPR on 15th August 2016.