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Full name search results for surnames starting with FLATTERS
Search results in cemetery order (8 names found)
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no. | forenames | surname | birth | age | death | cemetery |
location country | grave id | date added (yyyymmdd) | ||
1 | Alice | Flatters | 1988 | Armley Hill Top F | Leeds Yorkshire England | 119098 | 20110202 | ||||
2 | Arthur S | Flatters | 1894 | 71 | 1965 | St Mary | Thornthwaite Cumberland England | 701975 | 20180304 | ||
3 | Clarice | Flatters | 1913 | 77 | 1990 | Municipal | Otley Yorkshire England | 159891 | 20111016 | ||
4 | Ernest | Flatters | 1899 | 81 | 1980 | Municipal | Otley Yorkshire England | 159891 | 20111016 | ||
5 | Jack C F | Flatters | 1945 | 53 | 1998 | Grove Road (Section A-B) | Harrogate Yorkshire England | 336914 | 20130926 | ||
6 | Jane | Flatters | 1924 | Municipal | Epworth Lincolnshire England | 17628 | |||||
7 | Lucy M | Flatters | 1890 | 72 | 1962 | St Mary | Thornthwaite Cumberland England | 701975 | 20180304 | ||
8 | Ralph | Flatters | 1919 | 62 | 1981 | Armley Hill Top F | Leeds Yorkshire England | 119098 | 20110202 |
Total search results for the name FLATTERS = 8
forename = no name entered, exact surname = FLATTERS
Years in red have been calculated.
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