Surname list for St Andrew, Radcliffe, Lancashire, England grave monument photos held within Gravestone Photographic Resource (GPR)

St Andrew's Church burial ground, Radcliffe, Lancashire, England

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List of names found on St Andrew's Church burial ground tomb monuments
full namebirth
GPR ref.number
of views

101PendleburyEmma Pendlebury1863189229id: 1501354644241
102Hannah Mary Pendlebury1870191040id: 1501354646241
103Samuel Pendlebury1861193776id: 1501354645241

104PriceAnn Ada Price1872189018id: 10221354635271
105Edward Priceid: 10221354637271
106Matilda Price nee Murphy1839190970id: 10221354636271

107RoscowHarriet Roscow1848191264id: 10021354571231
108Levi Roscow1845190156id: 10021354570231
109Nancy Roscowid: 10021354572231

110SpencerMaria Spencer nee Lever19002001101id: 1006
(3 images)

111StanhopeEllen Stanhope1885194863id: 1621354682321
112John Stanhope1856190347id: 1621354678321
113Kate Stanhope1850192575id: 1621354679321

114StewartT Stewart1889191728id: 10231354638201

115StottMaria Stott1873195885id: 1006
(3 images)
116Samuel Stott1873194067id: 1006
(3 images)
117Thomas William Stott1902id: 1006
(3 images)

118SuttonElizabeth Ann Sutton1850193686id: 10201354628331
119Henry Sutton1842190866id: 10201354627331
120John Sutton1867193366id: 10201354629331

121TaylorHarry Taylor1879190627id: 1017
(2 images)
122Violet Taylor1880191838id: 1017
(2 images)

123WhiteheadFrank Whitehead1876194670id: 10191354626261
124James Henry Whitehead1868194577id: 10191354625261

125WhittakerHannah Whittaker1847190760id: 1531354657121

Grave Monument Photographs

Names on Grave Monument photographs

Above are the names that appear on the photographs or records held by the GPR for St Andrew's Church burial ground, Radcliffe, Lancashire, England.

If you would like to obtain a free copy of any of the photographs for the names listed on this page just click either the GPR reference number or one of the full names. For further information please visit our how to request an image page.

To see details of other people with the same surname, just click on the surname that is of interest.

The ages given on monuments are often incorrect and so dates of birth should be consided as probable rather than actual. Please also note that all ages and dates of birth in red have been calculated and are not on the monument.

The postcode for this burial ground is M26 4HE - if you have a GPS this might be useful to locate this burial ground!

The view statistics shown above are from when the cemetery was added on 02 July 2017.

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