Monument list for St Oswald King and Martyr (part 5) Church burial ground

St Oswald King and Martyr (part 5)'s Church burial ground, Warton, Lancashire, England

Monument list surnamefull namebirth
GPR ref.view

101MasonBridget Alice Mason1866231889id: 6508749518121d/o Thomas and Agnes Mason of Borwick Hall
Thomas Mason
Agnes Mason
Isabella Agnes Mason
Mark W Mason1860301890
Mark William Mason189141895 s/o Mark W Mason
Thomas Mason s/o Mark W Mason; died in infancy
William Richard Mason188631889 s/o Isabella Agnes Mason

102MasonThomas Clemenson Mason1831691900id: 6472749488111of Borwick Hall
Annie Mason1860871947 w/o Mark William Mason
Mark William Mason
Agnes Mason1831721903

103MastersSamuel Oliver Masters1856341890id: 6477749493131

104MastinThomas Mastin1848531901id: 6405749440141died at Carnforth
George Thomas Whinray1882 infant son
Isabella Mastin1840891929

105MattinsonTom Mattinson1900741974id: 6553749555161
Annie Mattinson1908891997

106MetcalfeJoseph Metcalfe1844521896id: 6400749436141of Warton
Margaret Metcalfe1839711910

107MooreMary Ann Moore1825781903id: 6352749398131w/o John G Moore late of Castletown , IOM
Lee Lowe Beecher Moore1917
Caroline M M Pedersen1985
John G Moore

108MorrisJohn Morris1853471900id: 6347749393131
Annie Taylor70
Jane Morris1856671923

109MorrisonMary Morrison1833771910id: 6446749467171
James Morrison1834791913 of Carnforth
James Morrison1875161891 died from injuries received from the explosion of a boiler at Kier Bridge House , Warton

110MuckaltElizabeth Anne Muckalt1847361883id: 6445749466141w/o Robert H Muckalt of Priest Hutton
Edith Mary Muckalt1882191901
Margaret Muckalt1858211879
Robert Holme Muckalt1853651918 of Bank House
George Herbert Muckalt1880 age 9mths
Mary Muckalt1854851939 w/o Robert Holme Muckalt

111MuckaltThomas Muckalt1824541878id: 6441
(3 images)
749464111of Priest Hutton
Annie Mary Tugley (?)1932 Details uncertain
Thomas Muckalt1859741933 Details uncertain
Agnes Muckalt1834791913

112NelsonRichard Nelson1820541874id: 6539749545141of ? Farm , Carnforth
Henry Nelson186751872
Thomas Nelson185741861
William Nelson1862231885

113NewbyJohn Newby1837381875id: 651974952991s/o James Newby of Warton
James Newby

114NewmanWalter C Newman189031893id: 6500
(2 images)

115OrrCatherine Boswell Orr1825651890id: 6375749416151
Elizabeth Orr1854571911
Henry Inglis Orr1826761902 of Carnforth
Henry Orr1861621923 surnamefull namebirth
GPR ref.view

116ParkinJohn Parkin1831681899id: 6392749430111of Carnforth
Jane Parkin1841811922

117PattinsonJane Newsham Pattinson1864751939id: 6450749471161
Joseph Pomfret1833791912
Mary Pomfret1824681892 Relationship assumed
Harry Pomfret1941 A.I.F. Australia

118PedderDorothy Pedder1933832016id: 6464749481181

119PedderLeslie Pedder1936722008id: 6416749451181
Harold Pedder1898821980
Eileen Pedder2011 Details partly obscured
Jean Margaret Pedder1934792013

120PercivalCharles Percival1896id: 6430
(3 images)
Lizzie Percival1881151896 ad/o Charles and Julia Percival
Julia Percival1845561901

121PickthallJohn Edward Pickthall1925id: 6444749465121age 18wks

122PughEdward Pugh1825661891id: 6494749507141of Carnforth
Sarah Ann Pugh1829691898

123RichardsonAgnes Richardson1783951878id: 6369749411121
Edith Richardson1895121907
Elizabeth Richardson1880211901

124RichardsonEleanor Richardson1813681881id: 6534749542141w/o Thomas Richardson of Dock Acres Farm; late of Hornby
Thomas Richardson1804841888
Ellen Kearton1833611894 died at Dock Acres
Agnes Richardson
Lilian Agnes Richardson1870141884 d/o William and Agnes Richardson
William Richardson
Sarah Eleanor Watson1885 of Dock Acres

125RichardsonJ M C Richardsonid: 6502749513131

Grave Monument Photographs

Monument images

Above are the names that appear on the photographs or records held by the GPR for St Oswald King and Martyr (part 5)'s Church burial ground, Warton, Lancashire, England.

If you would like to obtain a free copy of any of the photographs for the names listed on this page just click either the GPR reference number or one of the full names. For further information please visit our how to request an image page.

To see details of other people with the same surname, just click on the surname that is of interest.

The ages given on monuments are often incorrect and so dates of birth should be consided as probable rather than actual. Please also note that all ages and dates of birth in red have been calculated and are not on the monument.

There are two types of lists available for each cemetery. The grave order list displays details of all the names shown on each monument. The alphabetic name list displays details of all the names mentioned on monuments within the cemetery.

The view statistics shown above are from when the cemetery was added on 14 November 2018.

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