Monument list
no. | family surname | full name | birth year | age | burial year | image name | GPR ref. | view no. | request no. | notes |
1 | Agasse | Léonide Juliette Agasse | 54 | id: CPPAgasse | 372314 | 18 | 1 | Died in 1??7 Date partially effaced | ||
Antoine Georges Agasse | 1859 | 42 | 1901 | |||||||
2 | Albouis | Jean Albouis | 1821 | 69 | 1890 | id: CPPAlbouis1 (2 images) | 372365 | 13 | 1 | |
(madame) Albouis | 1857 | 76 | 1933 | Wife of Jacques Albouis | ||||||
(madame) Albouis | 1820 | 80 | 1900 | |||||||
Jacques Albouis | 1851 | 66 | 1917 | |||||||
Jean Antoine Albouis | 1857 | 42 | 1899 | |||||||
Jeanne Albouis | 1885 | 81 | 1966 | |||||||
Marguerite Albouis | 1882 | 12 | 1894 | |||||||
(madame) Vilnet | 1880 | 87 | 1967 | Wife of Paul Vilnet | ||||||
Jean Vilnet | 1918 | 86 | 2004 | |||||||
Paul Vilnet | 1875 | 75 | 1950 | |||||||
3 | Andrieu | Marianne Andrieu | 1819 | 70 | 1889 | id: CPPAstruc | 372330 | 14 | 1 | |
Casimir Andrieu | 1817 | 74 | 1891 | |||||||
Marie Virginie Astruc | 1851 | 41 | 1892 | |||||||
4 | Bauzon | Lucien Bauzon | 1854 | 70 | 1924 | id: CPPBauzon | 372327 | 15 | 1 | Chief engineer |
5 | Bennerotte | Marie Bennerotte | 1839 | 54 | 1893 | id: CPPBennerotte | 372353 | 20 | 1 | |
Louis Bennerotte | 1855 | 39 | 1894 | |||||||
6 | Blanc | Jean Antoine Blanc | 1846 | 46 | 1892 | id: CPPBlancJA1 (2 images) | 372331 | 19 | 1 | |
Anne Blanc | 1851 | 62 | 1913 | |||||||
7 | Bloy | Marie Jean Nicolas Paul Bloy | 1839 | 57 | 1896 | id: CPPBloy1 (2 images) | 372361 | 17 | 1 | |
8 | Bollinger | Prosper Bollinger | 1888 | id: CPPBollinger1 (2 images) | 372332 | 16 | 1 | |||
Marie Louise Bollinger | 1859 | 32 | 1891 | |||||||
Paul Bollinger | 1854 | 38 | 1892 | |||||||
9 | Boréal | Napoléon Boréal | 1840 | 49 | 1889 | id: CPPBoréal | 372319 | 19 | 1 | |
Aline Boréal | 1893 | 2 | 1895 | |||||||
Jeanne Boréal | 1850 | 78 | 1928 | |||||||
10 | Bottieau | Emile Adolphe Bottieau | 1822 | 65 | 1887 | id: CPPBottieau1 (2 images) | 372360 | 11 | 1 | Member of the French Parliament for the Nord département. Died in Arras. |
Albert Bottieau | 1853 | 0 | 1853 | Died aged 1 day | ||||||
Rupert Paul Emile Bottieau | 1856 | 61 | 1917 | |||||||
Léontine Bottieau | 1836 | 46 | 1882 | |||||||
11 | Boulanger | Marie Gustave Boulanger | 1860 | 28 | 1888 | id: CPPBoulangerP1 (2 images) | 372375 | 20 | 1 | |
(madame) Boulanger | 1908 | Inscription almost illegible | ||||||||
Adolphe Boulanger | 1904 | Inscription almost illegible | ||||||||
Prosper Antoine René Boulanger | 1828 | 79 | 1907 | |||||||
Marie Elisabeth Gonnet | 1809 | 80 | 1889 | |||||||
12 | Boutilleux | Henri Cyprien Boutilleux | 1826 | 67 | 1893 | id: CPPBoutilleux1 (2 images) | 372339 | 13 | 1 | |
Henri Alexandre Boutilleux | 1863 | 25 | 1888 | Died in St Mandrier near Toulon | ||||||
13 | Bouyssou | Edmond Bouyssou | 1856 | 32 | 1888 | id: CPPBouyssou | 372359 | 19 | 1 | |
(madame) Barthélémy | 1833 | 70 | 1903 | |||||||
(madame) Bouyssou | 1831 | 74 | 1905 | |||||||
Pierre Bouyssou | 1827 | 73 | 1900 | |||||||
14 | Braun | Laurent Braun | 1848 | 47 | 1895 | id: CPPBraunLaurent1 (2 images) | 372345 | 26 | 1 | |
Alfred Braun | 1872 | 52 | 1924 | |||||||
Marie Braun | 1870 | 56 | 1926 | |||||||
Jean Schiltz | 1845 | 50 | 1895 | |||||||
Jean Schott | 1866 | 22 | 1888 | |||||||
Joséphine Braun | 1850 | 74 | 1924 | |||||||
15 | Breisch | Albert Breisch | 1879 | 47 | 1926 | id: CPPBreischA1 (2 images) | 372377 | 11 | 1 | Artist |
Angèle Breisch | Died 19?9 |
no. | family surname | full name | birth year | age | burial year | image name | GPR ref. | view no. | request no. | notes |
16 | Breton | Anastasie Breton | 1830 | 63 | 1893 | id: CPPBretonJ1 (2 images) | 372358 | 8 | 1 | |
Adélaïde Breanc | 1855 | 59 | 1914 | |||||||
Alexandre Breton | 1859 | 81 | 1940 | |||||||
Amélie Breton | 1854 | 82 | 1936 | |||||||
Clémentine Breton | 1872 | 45 | 1917 | |||||||
Jean Breton | 1831 | 79 | 1910 | |||||||
Albert Corny | 1870 | 86 | 1956 | |||||||
Pauline Corny | 1865 | 85 | 1950 | |||||||
17 | Brunet | Paul Brunet | 1873 | 22 | 1895 | id: CPPBrunetBoucher1 (2 images) | 372355 | 36 | 1 | |
Aline Boucher | 1868 | 65 | 1933 | |||||||
Gilbert Boucher | 1867 | 69 | 1936 | |||||||
Philippe Boucher | 1860 | 81 | 1941 | |||||||
(madame) Brunet | 1850 | 46 | 1896 | |||||||
Emile Brunet | 1870 | 55 | 1925 | |||||||
18 | Chulin | Louise Chulin | 1898 | id: CPPChulin1 (2 images) | 372343 | 28 | 1 | |||
Antoine Chulin | 1846 | 64 | 1910 | |||||||
Camille Jean-baptiste Chulin | 1848 | 42 | 1890 | |||||||
(madame) David | 1877 | 64 | 1941 | |||||||
Michel David | 1871 | 50 | 1921 | |||||||
Paul Saran | 1878 | 46 | 1924 | |||||||
Pierre Saran | 1911 | 1 | 1912 | |||||||
19 | Constantin | Albert Constantin | 1865 | 60 | 1925 | id: CPPConstantinA | 372341 | 11 | 1 | |
20 | Cornelis | Albert Cornelis | 1851 | 36 | 1887 | id: CPPCornelisE | 372338 | 17 | 1 | |
Edouard Cornelis | 1831 | 67 | 1898 | |||||||
Edouard Pierre Cornelis | 1861 | 71 | 1932 | |||||||
Louise Cornelis | 1867 | 77 | 1944 | |||||||
Sophie Cornelis | 1832 | 61 | 1893 | |||||||
Suzanne Maller | 1866 | 27 | 1893 | |||||||
21 | Couillard | Louis Couillard | 1882 | 57 | 1939 | id: CPPCouillard | 372369 | 10 | 1 | |
Richard Andrieux | 1898 | 63 | 1961 | |||||||
Germaine Couillard | 1892 | 53 | 1945 | Died in deportation in Ravensbruck | ||||||
22 | Davezac | Henri Davezac | 1887 | 0 | 1887 | id: CPPDavezac1 (3 images) | 372337 | 18 | 1 | Died aged 4.5 months |
(madame) Davezac | 74 | Barely legible due to reflexion in the glass of the door | ||||||||
Adrienne Davezac | 1866 | 27 | 1893 | |||||||
Charles Davezac | 1914 | Killed in action. Mentioned in despatches. | ||||||||
Henri Davezac | 81 | Barely legible due to reflexion in the glass of the door | ||||||||
Jean Davezac | 1834 | 60 | 1894 | |||||||
23 | Derieppe | Hélène Emma Derieppe | 1798 | 84 | 1882 | id: CPPDerieppe1 (4 images) | 372379 | 17 | 1 | |
Eulalie Derieppe | 1862 | 52 | 1914 | |||||||
Léon Derieppe | 1843 | 78 | 1921 | |||||||
Helena Dubrulle | 1878 | 48 | 1926 | |||||||
Léonie Paris | 1841 | 61 | 1902 | |||||||
24 | Dubois | Thérèse Dubois | 1825 | 65 | 1890 | id: CPPDuboisLef1 (2 images) | 372333 | 31 | 1 | |
Joseph Dubois | 1827 | 71 | 1898 | |||||||
Antoinette Lefevre | 1878 | 75 | 1953 | |||||||
Clémentine Lefevre | 1855 | 53 | 1908 | |||||||
Henri Lefevre | 1850 | 60 | 1910 | |||||||
Henri Lefevre | 1876 | 83 | 1959 | |||||||
25 | Duval | Catherine Duval | 1816 | 76 | 1892 | id: CPPDuvalJP1 (2 images) | 372329 | 30 | 1 | |
Jean Pierre Duval | 1817 | 83 | 1900 |
Monument list for Pantin (section 2)'s Church burial ground
page start names: .Agasse. || .Essertaise. || .Nectoux. ||A burial monument list gives all the names showed on each monument (show FAQ).
Please be aware that a surname listed above may be a continuation of that surname from the monument list on its left.
Surname list for Pantin (section 2)'s Church burial ground
page start names: .Agasse. || .Bennerotte. || .Boulanger. || .Brunet. || .Davezac. || .Essertaise. || .Hemmen. || .Lambert. || .Masseron. || .Nectoux. || .Pillu. || .Tahier. || .Vincent. ||A surname list gives all the names for a particular surname and links to the burial ground where it is listed (show FAQ).
Please be aware that a surname listed above may be a continuation of that surname from the surname list on its left.
Monument list for Pantin (section 2)'s Church burial ground
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Grave Monument Photographs
Monument images
Above are the names that appear on the photographs or records held by the GPR for Pantin (section 2)'s Church burial ground, Pantin, Seine St Denis, France.
If you would like to obtain a free copy of any of the photographs for the names listed on this page just click either the GPR reference number or one of the full names. For further information please visit our how to request an image page.
To see details of other people with the same surname, just click on the surname that is of interest.
The ages given on monuments are often incorrect and so dates of birth should be consided as probable rather than actual. Please also note that all ages and dates of birth in red have been calculated and are not on the monument.
There are two types of lists available for each cemetery. The grave order list displays details of all the names shown on each monument. The alphabetic name list displays details of all the names mentioned on monuments within the cemetery.
The view statistics shown above are from when the cemetery was added on 25 January 2014.