Monument list for Old Parisian Cemetery

Old Parisian Cemetery, St Ouen, Seine Saint Denis, France

Monument list surnamefull namebirth
GPR ref.view

51LetellierPierre Ambroise Charles Letellier1801541855id: SOALetellier1
(2 images)
Jules Edouard Derossy1826661892
Pauline Henriette Derossy1836711907 Wife of Jules Derossy
Henri Louis Letellier1830791909
Pauline Adelaïde Letellier1808591867
Victor Letellier1839721911
Joseph Victor Roux1812471859

52MalhevreMarie Blanche Malhevre1916id: SOAMalhevre337055211

53MaurelLouise Maurel1885131898id: SOAMaurel1
(2 images)
(madame) Maurel1881341915 Wife of Emile Maurel
Emile Maurel
Gabrielle Maurel1883251908
Joseph Maurel1881 Died 196?. The date of death is incomplete.
Suzanne Viguier1907911998

54MesnardPaul Mesnard1880281908id: SOAMesnard337026421

55MignonLouis Marie Mignon1833621895id: SOABeuve337085141
Berthe Beuve189571902
Gaston Beuve1898201918 Killed in action
Gaston Frédéric Beuve1861731934
Juliette Beuve1856651921
Achille Thomas1842671909
Zoé Thomas1851801931

56MoitetAmélie Moitet1867231890id: SOAMoitet337067611
Joseph Mangin1842931935
Amélie Moitet1836761912
Anatole Pierre Moitet1844791923
Augustine Moitet1869971966
Emile Moitet1876781954
Georges Moitet1863671930
Jeanne Moitet1888801968

57MolvautElmire Molvaut1836711907id: SOAMolvaut337071181
Marie Louise Brochu1899771976
Désiré Molvaut1843811924
Louise Rousset1865631928

58Nespoulous(madame) Nespoulous1857451902id: SOANespoulous33708871
Calixte Nespoulous1856721928
Fernand Nespoulous1887601947
Maurice Nespoulous1891641955

59OliveJean-baptiste Olive1848881936id: SOAOlive337077141Landscape and marine artist born in Marseille. See

60PasseronHenri Passeron1914id: SOAPasseron337082121Killed in action

61PedouxJoseph Pedoux1848561904id: SOAPedoux337021201
Alice Pedoux1855801935

62PellegéBlanche Pellegé1899id: SOAPellegé337032151

63PeringueEugène Fourrier Peringue1850531903id: SOAPeringue33708791Author and playwright

64Petit-DelaireMarie Cécile Françoise Petit-Delaire1794721866id: SOADelaire1
(3 images)
Emeline Bazin (?)1830791909
Claude Petit-Delaire1793781871
Marie Félicie Aglae Petit-Delaire1812681880

65QuesnotMarie Thérèse Quesnot1796661862id: SOAQuenot1
(5 images)
Julia Zoé Cintrat1877341911
Marie Eugènie Gentry187871885
Marie Françoise Gentry1872
Adelaïde Victorine Quesnot1813501863
Marie Adeline Quesnot1843511894
Marie Louise Quesnot186661872
Noël Prosper Quesnot1801621863
Prosper Alphonse Quesnot1824601884 surnamefull namebirth
GPR ref.view

66RivièreFernand Charles Rivière189531898id: SOARivière337023181

67RoussilleLouis Roussille1864641928id: SOARoussille337080161
Auguste Roques Inscription: Californian. He wasn't scared.
Clémentine Roussille1869821951
Marguerite Roussille1908801988
Pierre Roussille1906861992

68Santini(madame) Santini1843611904id: SOASantini1
(2 images)
Juliette Staffolani1848581906

69SartoriAuguste Sartori186571872id: SOASartori337028201
Auguste Briatte1872791951
(madame) Clausel1789901879
(madame) Pouget1825591884
Amélie Sartori1880201900
Maria Sartori1845621907
Pierre Sartori1842591901

70SarzeauSophie Sarzeau1899id: SOASarzeau337084131
Etienne Paindavoine1875431918
Berthe Sarzeau1860511911
Pierre Marie Sarzeau1851651916

71SchmittCharles Schmitt1866441910id: SOASchmitt1
(2 images)
Eleonore Schmitt1870791949
Jeanne Schmitt1907501957
Raymond Schmitt1903811984

72Schneider Schneider1843621905id: SOALoiselot337056131No first name on the inscription
Adolphe Loiselot1866441910

73SenèsJuliette Senès1884211905id: SOASenès337035151
Louise Festa1871721943
Marguerite Festa1869381907
(madame) Senès1844721916
Clara Senès1882881970

74StuartEmily Stuart1859411900id: SOAStuart337049131

75ThouzeryJeanne Thouzery1882241906id: SOAThouzery337033141
Jean Costeroste1853681921
Marie Costeroste1862781940
Jean Thouzery1897611958
Léa Thouzery1894841978

Grave Monument Photographs

Monument images

Above are the names that appear on the photographs or records held by the GPR for Old Parisian Cemetery, St Ouen, Seine Saint Denis, France.

If you would like to obtain a free copy of any of the photographs for the names listed on this page just click either the GPR reference number or one of the full names. For further information please visit our how to request an image page.

To see details of other people with the same surname, just click on the surname that is of interest.

The ages given on monuments are often incorrect and so dates of birth should be consided as probable rather than actual. Please also note that all ages and dates of birth in red have been calculated and are not on the monument.

There are two types of lists available for each cemetery. The grave order list displays details of all the names shown on each monument. The alphabetic name list displays details of all the names mentioned on monuments within the cemetery.

The view statistics shown above are from 8 Jan 2014 when collection of these statistics started.

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