Monument list for Balmoral (section 3) Cemetery

Balmoral (section 3) Cemetery, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

Monument list surnamefull namebirth
GPR ref.view

26HallettDulcie Hallett1918171935id: 9509
(5 images)
326253171Beloved daughter of J and S Hallett. Died 5th Feb 1935
Sarah Jane Hallett1892621954 Wife of J Hallett. Died 28th Oct 1954
Lorna Bernal Collins1946552001 09/03/2001
Lesley May Gilbert1944 29-11-1944. Aged 4½ months
John Henry Hallett1891861977 30/09/1977

27HardingLouis Benjamin Hardingid: 9517
(2 images)
326256181Aged 8 weeks

28HarveySarah Harvey1817841901id: 9597
(4 images)
32628691Who departed this life December 31st 1901
Emily Eunice Grant1850841934 Died 23rd June 1934.
George Alfred Harvey1901 Who was drowned in the Roxana disaster; on December 26th 1901. Asleep in the deep

29HendersonEdward James Henderson1897111908id: 9646
(3 images)
32630061Died 5th May 1908

30HesseJoyce Ellen Hesse1929161945id: 9588
(2 images)
326282131Died 19th October 1945
Henry Luswig Hesse1888831971 Died 1 September 1971
Leonard Valentine Hesse1914751989 Died 5 June 1989
Rose Lily Hesse1897511948 Died 11May 1948

31HesseValentin Hesse1836601896id: 9539
(2 images)
326263151Died 17-9-1896
Ernest Hesse1881651946 Died 23-7-1946
Maria Hesse1848541902 Died 3-11-1902

32HickmottGeorge Edward Hickmott1907381945id: 9573
(2 images)
326275131My dear husband and father. Died 28th March 1945

33HomannEmily Homann1886521938id: 9685
(2 images)
326312121My dear wife and our mother; who passed away 26th August 1938

34HooperJane Hooper1878421920id: 9543
(3 images)
32626571Mother. Died 13th Dec 1920
William Henry Hooper1871591930 Father. Died 5th Sept 1930

35HoughamAnn Philis Hougham1814821896id: 9611
(2 images)
326290171Mother. Died September 4 1896
Charlotte Hawke Hougham1851651916 Daughter. Died September 14 1916
Frederick William Hougham1845761921 Son. Died May 19th 1921

36IsdaleAmelia Melvina Isdale1866571923id: 9631
(2 images)
326297171Died 8th October 1923
Robert Isdale1862621924 Husband of the above. Died 30th October 1924

37IsedaleViolet Eveline Isedale190961915id: 9617
(2 images)
326293171Died 30th Nov 1915
Francis Robert Isedale189491903 Died 13th June 1903

38JamiesonJean Jamieson1813841897id: 9552
(6 images)
326267281Beloved wife of Robert Janieson. Died 25th Oct 1897
Anne Stuart Jamieson1849161865 Died 16th Sept 1865
James Jamieson1843331876 Died 2nd July 1876
Robert Jamieson1808751883 Died 6th November 1883
Robert Jamieson1837741911 Died 18th July 1911

39JohnsonAlice Johnson1879561935id: 9559
(2 images)
32626831Died 21st Nov 1935

40JohnssonMartha Johnsson1857591916id: 9613
(2 images)
326291101My dear wife. Died 1st July 1916
Bertha C Johnsson189751902 My dear daughter. Died 18th Feb 1902

41LaightEmma Laight1864711935id: 9515
(2 images)
326255151Died Jan 31st 1935

42LangeKevin Lange1917241941id: 9628
(2 images)
326296101My dear son. Died 21st Sept 1941

43McakenzieBeryl Joan Mcakenzie1932141946id: 9593
(2 images)
32628431Who fell asleep 25th May 1946

44McLeodJohn McLeod1832581890id: 9520
(5 images)
326257211Born at Wreaths Kirkbean; Galloway; Scotland; Nov 12th 1832. Died at Brisbane; June 24th 1890
Florence Beal1874811955 Wife of Albert Beal and daughter of above. Born Manchester 25th May 1874 . Died Highgate Hill 6th 1955
Annie McLeod1866751941 Daughter of the above. Born 19th March 1866. Died 17th Jan 1941
William McLeod1876771953 Born Manchester; England 26th July 1876. Died at Bulimba 4th June 1953
Alfred Beal
Mary McLeod1836551891 His wife. Born at Church Coppenhall; Cheshire; England Nov 30th 1836. Died at Bulimba; June 3rd 1891

45MorrisIsabella Morris1862731935id: 9633
(2 images)
32629861Died 12th March 1935

46MurphyMary Murphy1851781929id: 9524
(2 images)
326258111Our dear mother. Died 15th June 1929

47NoumeSarah Noume1864831947no image326279161Passed away 3rd Aug 1947
Lance Patrinos1922651987 Also her grandson. Passed away 25th Sept 1987

48PatrinosGeorge Patrinos1883621945id: 9586
(2 images)
32628141My dear husband. Died 23rd Oct 1945 surnamefull namebirth
GPR ref.view

49PickardJoseph Henry Pickard1864741938no image326302161Died 11th June 1938
Alice Emily Pickard1876731949 Died 1st Oct 1949

50PointonEmma Pointon1867781945id: 9668
(2 images)
326304101Our dear mother. Died 3rd Aug 1945
Lynette Kay Fraser Great Grand-daughter
John Pointon1870681938 My dear husband. Died 10th May 1938

Grave Monument Photographs

Monument images

Above are the names that appear on the photographs or records held by the GPR for Balmoral (section 3) Cemetery, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.

If you would like to obtain a free copy of any of the photographs for the names listed on this page just click either the GPR reference number or one of the full names. For further information please visit our how to request an image page.

To see details of other people with the same surname, just click on the surname that is of interest.

The ages given on monuments are often incorrect and so dates of birth should be consided as probable rather than actual. Please also note that all ages and dates of birth in red have been calculated and are not on the monument.

There are two types of lists available for each cemetery. The grave order list displays details of all the names shown on each monument. The alphabetic name list displays details of all the names mentioned on monuments within the cemetery.

The postcode for this cemetery is 4171 - if you have a GPS this might be useful to locate this cemetery!

The view statistics shown above are from 8 Jan 2014 when collection of these statistics started.

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