Monument list for St Peter Church burial ground

St Peter's Church burial ground, Powick, Worcestershire, England

Monument list surnamefull namebirth
GPR ref.view

151HollowayJane Holloway1827831910id: P104013719955115103 02 1910
William Holloway1829901919 04 05 1919

152HookJohn Frederick Hook1958351993id: P104029619967813124 12 1993

153HooperCharles Winsmore Hooper1890251915id: P1040232199622231Captain Highland Light Infantry - killed in action at the battle of Loos France 25 09 1915

154HooperGeoffrey William Winsmore Hooper1892311923id: P1040233199623161accidentally killed at Hong Kong

155HopkinsWilliam Jeffrey Hopkins1820811901id: P1040039199487171Diocesan Architect Worcester b 27 12 1820 d 28 05 1901

156HornsbyMary Ann Hornsby1826361862id: P104005919950114112 05 1862
Eliza Steel
Samuel Steel

157HowardMargaret Eliza Perham Howard1844611905id: P104008219951416129 04 1905
William Robson Jaques

158HuddlestonRobert Henry Huddleston190891917id: P104024319962919106 03 1917
John William Huddleston1898191917 26 06 1917
William Winder Huddleston1863691932

159HughesCecil William Hughes1875211896id: S6300037199744141eldest son
Thomas Henry Cecil Hughes1843731916 Vicar of Powyke for 40 years
Lucy Hughes

160HughesEllen Marion Hughes1872631935id: S6300039199746131in memory of their elder daughter

161HughesLucy Hughes1847811928id: S630003819974517119 04 1928
T H C Hughes

162HughesMary Hughes1823481871id: P104018619959016127 02 1871
Thomas Hughes of Clifton Severn Stoke

163HughesWilliam Hughes1848581906id: P1040204199602151
Mary Hughes

164HumphryresFanny Rumney Humphryres1846id: S6300058199760241

165HydeElizabeth Hyde1821711892id: P104029119967212101 02 1892
Thomas Hyde1821811902 11 01 1902

166HydeHannah Hyde1807381845id: P104009019952191of Pixham Ferry in this parish
Peter Hyde

167IrvingJulia Irving1851181869id: P104011119953514110 11 1869
Richard Irving of Manchester
Martha Meredith Irving

168JackmanJohn Jackman1805761881id: S630001519972520116 07 1881
Elizabeth Pulley1839831922

169JacksonHarry Ernest Jackson1885791964id: S6300051199755211
Caroline Alice Jackson1878861964
Marion Jackson1889801969

170JacksonMary Ann Jackson1847811928id: S630005219975612116 12 1928

171JacksonThomas Jackson1842831925id: S630005319975718112 03 1925

172JacobsJean Jacobs1925842009id: P104031019969516102 05 2009

173JenkinsGeorge Jenkins1837621899id: S630004019974712107 10 1899
Anne Jenkins1844601904 29 03 1904

174JolleyJames Jolley1770671837id: P1040307199687191of Moor House in this Parish

175JonesAnn Jones1819251844id: P1040195199595281

Grave Monument Photographs

Monument images

Above are the names that appear on the photographs or records held by the GPR for St Peter's Church burial ground, Powick, Worcestershire, England.

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The ages given on monuments are often incorrect and so dates of birth should be consided as probable rather than actual. Please also note that all ages and dates of birth in red have been calculated and are not on the monument.

There are two types of lists available for each cemetery. The grave order list displays details of all the names shown on each monument. The alphabetic name list displays details of all the names mentioned on monuments within the cemetery.

The view statistics shown above are from 8 Jan 2014 when collection of these statistics started.

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