All entries for the family name DICKEY held within the Gravestone Photographic Resource

All entries within the GPR for the family name DICKEY

full namebirth yearburial yearagerelationshipcemeterylocation

Sorry but there are no entries for the family name DICKEY

In most cases images are available. However sometimes they will unavailable. In many cases this is because although images have been taken they were unfortunately lost when the resource suffered a major computer fault and not all the images could be recovered.

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All comment/feedback/help requests within the Gravestone Photographic Resource for the name DICKEY

Dickey Family Gravestones
Thank you for your hard work and service to those of us searching our family histories. As I don't live in New Zealand, been able to down load a picture of my Great Grandparents and my Great Uncles gravestone was wonderful. This website is extremely helpful and easy to use. It also provide valuable information to those searching their family history and will be invaluable to future generations. Thank you again.
entry submitted by Rachel on: 29/05/2016 06:36 GMT ........ contact this person

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Gravestone Photographic Resource (GPR)

An international directory of grave, tomb, war and other death memorials.

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