List of names in alphabetic name order within Ventry, Kerry, Ireland

Below are all the names that appear on the photographs or records held by the GPR for Ventry

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The ages given on monuments are often incorrect and so dates of birth should be consided as probable rather than actual. Please also note that all ages and dates of birth in red have been calculated and are not on the monument.

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List of names in alphabetic name order within Ventry, Kerry, Ireland surnamefull namerelationshipbirth
GPR ref.viewedrequestedcemetery namenotes
401O'connorJohn O'connorrelationship not known of Matthew O'sullivan5264307851Ventry
402John O'connorson of Nano O'connor5564308121Ventry
403John O'connorfirst name on the monument192119987728964327861Ventry
404Mary O'connorsister of John O'connor1985173643169131Ventry
405Mary O'connorfirst name on the monument1932864304621Ventry
406Mary O'connorwife of James O'connor196213164313551Ventry
407Maureen O'connor nee Cullenmother of Nicholas O'connor195020116132364330651Ventry
408Michael O'connorfirst name on the monument197427664326531Ventry
409Micheal O'connorfirst name on the monument200131864330151Ventry
410Micheal O'connorson of Thomas O'connor201518564318171Ventry
411Nano O'connorfirst name on the monument18461906605564308121Ventry
412Nell O'connorrelationship not known of Michael Russell199815364315151Ventry
413Nicholas O'connorfirst name on the monument197820022432364330651Ventry
414Nora O'connorwife of William O'connor197328564327441Ventry
415Paddy O'connorfirst name on the monument19339564311221Ventry
416Patrick O'connorhusband of Nano O'connor5564308121Ventry
417Patrick O'connorfirst name on the monument18331913804264307221Ventry
418Patrick O'connorson of Patrick O'connor4264307221Ventry
419Thomas O'connorfirst name on the monument196018564318171Ventry
420Thomas O'connorgrand son of James O'connor196613164313551Ventry
421Tom O'connorrelationship not known of Paddy O'connor19499564311221Ventry
422William O'connorfirst name on the monument197928564327441Ventry
423O'dhomhnaillEibhlin O'dhomhnaill nee Fhiannachtawife of Seamus O'dhomhnaill192320078426464325431Ventry
424Seamus O'dhomhnaillfirst name on the monument192320068326464325431Ventry
425O'dhubhainBrid O'dhubhaindaughter of Sean O'dhubhain19631966318164317751Ventry
426Padraig O'dhubhainson of Sean O'dhubhain19601963318164317751Ventry
427Sean O'dhubhainfirst name on the monument198718164317751Ventry
428Sean O'dhubhainfather of Sean O'dhubhain196518164317751Ventry
429Sean Seosamh O'dhubhainson of Sean O'dhubhain197020073718164317751Ventry
430O'donnochuSean O'donnochufirst name on the monument201025364324331Ventry
431O'dubainMiceal O'dubainfirst name on the monument1918199880309643295101Ventry
432O'dubhainPhadraig O'dubhainfirst name on the monument197330764329331Ventry
433O'flahertyBreda O'flahertydaughter of Maureen O'flaherty196419983417064316671Ventry
434Elizabeth O'flahertydaughter of Mary O'flaherty19433364306751Ventry
435Joanne O'flahertydaughter of Maureen O'flaherty196719922517064316671Ventry
436John O'flahertyhusband of Mary O'flaherty19413364306751Ventry
437Mary O'flahertyfirst name on the monument19383364306751Ventry
438Mary O'flahertyfirst name on the monument197622864321841Ventry
439Maureen O'flahertyfirst name on the monument193119835217064316671Ventry
440Maurice O'flahertyhusband of Maureen O'flaherty192319997617064316671Ventry
441Nora O'flahertyfirst name on the monument198719564318831Ventry
442Pa… O'flahertyfirst name on the monument1936364304331Ventry
443O'gribtinMaire O'gribtin nee Sewife of Seamus O'gribtin199331764330031Ventry
444Seamus O'gribtinfirst name on the monument199231764330031Ventry
445O'grifinThomas O'grifinfirst name on the monument200626164325131Ventry
446O'guitinMaire O'guitinfirst name on the monument197022164321141Ventry
447Muiris O'guitinson of Maire O'guitin200722164321141Ventry
448Sean O'guitinson of Maire O'guitin199922164321141Ventry
449O'houlihan(family) O'houlihanfirst name on the monument9064310751Ventry
450O'laoitheMuiris O'laoithefirst name on the monument197928064326941Ventry

Lists of 614 names on monuments within Ventry cemeteries:


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