List of names in alphabetic name order within Llanfair Dyffryn Clwyd, Denbighshire, Wales

Below are all the names that appear on the photographs or records held by the GPR for Llanfair Dyffryn Clwyd

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List of names in alphabetic name order within Llanfair Dyffryn Clwyd, Denbighshire, Wales surnamefull namerelationshipbirth
GPR ref.viewedrequestedcemetery namenotes
1Andrew son-in-law of Carole JonesP1050353622322101St Cynfarch and St Mary
2Charles relationship not given of John P1050373622341231St Cynfarch and St Mary
3Eleanor relationship not given of John P1050373622341231St Cynfarch and St Mary
4Elizabeth relationship not known of Jane Jones1948DSCF2341616474141Capel Salem
5Florence relationship not given of John P1050373622341231St Cynfarch and St Mary
6Gwen grand daughter of John Wynne1910194737P1050405622373151St Cynfarch and St Mary
7Hugh first name on the monumentP105049262244271St Cynfarch and St Mary
8John first name on the monumentP1050373622341231St Cynfarch and St Mary
9AcremanGeorge Acremanhusband of Mary AcremanP1050248622220141St Cynfarch and St Mary
10Mary Acremanfirst name on the monument1851187625P1050248622220141St Cynfarch and St Mary
11Mary Acremandaughter of Mary Acreman1876P1050248622220141St Cynfarch and St Mary
12AdamsAlan Barr Adamsfirst name on the monument1904198682P1050361622330121St Cynfarch and St Mary
13Mary Edith Adamsfirst name on the monument1853194592P1050296622266151St Cynfarch and St Mary
14AiyegbusiSheila Mary Aiyegbusi nee Williamsdaughter of Annie Williams1940201272P1050333622302141St Cynfarch and St Mary
15AustinJoseph Austinfirst name on the monument1875194570P1050392622360141St Cynfarch and St Mary
16Sarah Ann Austinwife of Joseph Austin95P1050392622360141St Cynfarch and St Mary
17AveryLucy Averyfirst name on the monument1847192679P1050277622248211St Cynfarch and St Mary
18BaileyWilliam Baileyfirst name on the monument1931200473P1050448622416181St Cynfarch and St Mary
19BakerArthur Maurice Bakerhusband of Margaret Eluned Baker1918201496P1050409622377111St Cynfarch and St Mary
20Margaret Eluned Bakerfirst name on the monument1920201292P1050409622377111St Cynfarch and St Mary
21BarberMartha Barberrelationship not given of Mary Edwards1900198787P1050345622314101St Cynfarch and St Mary
22BarnabyCharles Barnabyfirst name on the monument1903197067P1050332622301151St Cynfarch and St Mary
23Norah Barnabywife of Charles Barnaby19002001101P1050332622301151St Cynfarch and St Mary
24BatherLaura Batherwife of David Sharples Batter1870192959P105027462224551St Cynfarch and St Mary
25Batten-JonesGlyn Batten-Jonesfirst name on the monument1902198785P1050391622359101St Cynfarch and St Mary
26Gwladys May Batten-Joneswife of Glyn Batten-Jones1902199694P1050391622359101St Cynfarch and St Mary
27BatterDavid Sharples Batterfirst name on the monument1871193160P105027462224551St Cynfarch and St Mary
28BeachArthur Pearson Beachhusband of Eileen Joan Kendall BeachP1050336622305161St Cynfarch and St Mary
29Eileen Joan Kendall Beachfirst name on the monumentP1050336622305161St Cynfarch and St Mary
30BeattieFrances Meryl Beattiefirst name on the monument1966200943DSCF2467616597141Capel Salem
31BeckJohn L Beckfirst name on the monument1921200079P1050339622308181St Cynfarch and St Mary
32Kathleen Beckwife of John L Beck1921201291P1050339622308181St Cynfarch and St Mary
33BeechElizabeth Beechfirst name on the monument1816189276P1050232622206191St Cynfarch and St Mary
34Hilda Elizabeth Beechdaughter of Robert Beech1897195760P105039862236661St Cynfarch and St Mary
35Mary Beechwife of Robert Beech1868193668P105039862236661St Cynfarch and St Mary
36Robert Beechfirst name on the monument1861193776P105039862236661St Cynfarch and St Mary
37Trevor Roberts Beechfirst name on the monument1927201689DSCF2461616592111Capel Salem
38William Beechhusband of Elizabeth Beech1826190377P1050232622206191St Cynfarch and St Mary
39William Trevor Beechson of Robert Beech70P105039862236661St Cynfarch and St Mary
40BevanEmrys Bevanhusband of Mary Catherine Bevan1964DSCF288761666661Capel Salem
41Mary Catherine Bevanfirst name on the monument1962DSCF288761666661Capel Salem
42BiglandsJoshua Biglandsfather-in-law of Joseph KellettP1050386622354131St Cynfarch and St Mary
43Mary Biglandsmother-in-law of Joseph KellettP1050386622354131St Cynfarch and St Mary
44BirchElizabeth Verna Birchfirst name on the monument2015P1050411622379151St Cynfarch and St Mary
45Henry Birchhusband of Elizabeth Verna BirchP1050411622379151St Cynfarch and St Mary
46BirdGertrude O Birdfirst name on the monumentP1050366622335371St Cynfarch and St Mary
47BloorAnn Bloorwife of William Bloor1872194674P1050290622260271St Cynfarch and St Mary
48David Bloorson of William Bloor1897197578P1050290622260271St Cynfarch and St Mary
49William Bloorfirst name on the monument1867194275P1050290622260271St Cynfarch and St Mary
50BloreLewis Blorehusband of Mary Elizabeth Blore1895197277DSCF285661663661Capel Salem

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