List of names in alphabetic name order within Crick, Northamptonshire, England

Below are all the names that appear on the photographs or records held by the GPR for Crick

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The ages given on monuments are often incorrect and so dates of birth should be consided as probable rather than actual. Please also note that all ages and dates of birth in red have been calculated and are not on the monument.

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List of names in alphabetic name order within Crick, Northamptonshire, England surnamefull namerelationshipbirth
GPR ref.viewedrequestedcemetery namenotes
301EdmundsSamuel Edmundshusband of Mary Edmunds194539110121St Margaret of Antioch
302Samuel Edmundsfirst name on the monument1779181132193539109271St Margaret of Antioch
303Thomas Edmundsfather of Thomas Edmunds66538983141St Margaret of Antioch
304Thomas Edmundsfirst name on the monument18411842166538983141St Margaret of Antioch
305EdwardsJames Aneurin Edwardsfirst name on the monument1909199081418539333191St Margaret of Antioch
306Mary Margaret Edwardsrelationship not known of James Aneurin Edwards1911200594418539333191St Margaret of Antioch
307ElkingtonAnn Elkingtonmother of Emma Elizabeth Elkington226539142191St Margaret of Antioch
308Emma Elizabeth Elkingtonfirst name on the monument187318785226539142191St Margaret of Antioch
309ElliottElizabeth Elliottdaughter of James Elliott184418451161539077101St Margaret of Antioch
310James Elliottfirst name on the monument1826186741161539077101St Margaret of Antioch
311Mary Elliottdaughter of James Elliott184718514161539077101St Margaret of Antioch
312Mary Elliottwife of James Elliott161539077101St Margaret of Antioch
313Samuel Elliottfirst name on the monument1800188080162539078341St Margaret of Antioch
314Thomas Elliottfirst name on the monument1805188479163539079201St Margaret of Antioch
315William Elliottfirst name on the monument1798187072156539072231St Margaret of Antioch
316EvansCharles Evansrelationship not known of Elizabeth Evans1811189685117539034201St Margaret of Antioch
317Elizabeth Evansfirst name on the monument1813189077117539034201St Margaret of Antioch
318Elizabeth Evansfirst name on the monument1780185070115539032201St Margaret of Antioch
319Martha Agnes Evansfirst name on the monument1845192984251539168211St Margaret of Antioch
320William Evansrelationship not known of Elizabeth Evans1780185070115539032201St Margaret of Antioch
321FoskerJames Henry Foskerfirst name on the monument1920201292479539394261St Margaret of Antioch
322FoxAlice Foxrelationship not known of Herbert Fox1897197780301539218181St Margaret of Antioch
323Cynthia Joan Foxrelationship not known of Reginald Fox1923200279396539311131St Margaret of Antioch
324Herbert Foxfirst name on the monument1886195367301539218181St Margaret of Antioch
325Leonard Foxfirst name on the monument193320006746153937671St Margaret of Antioch
326Margaret Foxfirst name on the monument1918201193401539316251St Margaret of Antioch
327Mary Foxwife of William Fox1869235539151111St Margaret of Antioch
328Reginald Foxfirst name on the monument1921198766396539311131St Margaret of Antioch
329Trudy Foxwife of Leonard Fox192520047946153937671St Margaret of Antioch
330William Foxfirst name on the monument1864235539151111St Margaret of Antioch
331FretterJoseph W Fretterfirst name on the monument1883194865277539194231St Margaret of Antioch
332Mildred Fretterwife of Joseph W Fretter277539194231St Margaret of Antioch
333FrostBeatrice Mary Frostfirst name on the monument1887196578308539225201St Margaret of Antioch
334Ernest Derrick Frostfirst name on the monument1930200272470539385121St Margaret of Antioch
335Ernest Walter Frostfirst name on the monument1964318539235241St Margaret of Antioch
336Valerie Ann Frostwife of Ernest Derrick Frost1935200974470539385121St Margaret of Antioch
337FursmanChristine Margaret Fursmanfirst name on the monument1941200665372539287201St Margaret of Antioch
338Pamela Kathleen Fursmanwife of William Henry John Fursman1913201310037353928891St Margaret of Antioch
339William Henry John Fursmanfirst name on the monument190819948637353928891St Margaret of Antioch
340GaleBessie Galefirst name on the monument1908199991486539401361St Margaret of Antioch
341GammageCynthia Mary Gammagerelationship not known of Edward Gammage2008347539262341St Margaret of Antioch
342Edward Gammagefirst name on the monument1975347539262341St Margaret of Antioch
343George Leonard Gammagefirst name on the monument1915199378515539429151St Margaret of Antioch
344Nina Marie Gammagewife of George Leonard Gammage1930201181515539429151St Margaret of Antioch
345GarnerDesmond William Garnerfirst name on the monument1935201075439539354241St Margaret of Antioch
346GautryJoy Gautry nee Smartfirst name on the monument509539423291St Margaret of Antioch
347GeeEllen Geerelationship not known of Thomas Gee1905199691500539415331St Margaret of Antioch
348Thomas Geefirst name on the monument1903198481500539415331St Margaret of Antioch
349GeorgeEmily Elizabeth Georgewife of Harry George1899197778303539220101St Margaret of Antioch
350Harry Georgefirst name on the monument1906195650303539220101St Margaret of Antioch

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