List of names in alphabetic name order within Compton Dando, Somerset, England

Below are all the names that appear on the photographs or records held by the GPR for Compton Dando

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The ages given on monuments are often incorrect and so dates of birth should be consided as probable rather than actual. Please also note that all ages and dates of birth in red have been calculated and are not on the monument.

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List of names in alphabetic name order within Compton Dando, Somerset, England surnamefull namerelationshipbirth
GPR ref.viewedrequestedcemetery namenotes
251PocockJohn Pocockbrother of Edna Gertrude Pocock87421259261The Blessed Virgin Mary
252Lillian A'court Pocockmother of Edna Gertrude Pocock190319888587421259261The Blessed Virgin Mary
253Thomas Henry Pocockhusband of Ena Alice Pocock191319988532421204371The Blessed Virgin Mary
254W Pocockname on the war memorial141745941Rememberance Cross
255PowStocker Powfirst name on the monument19542421174311The Blessed Virgin Mary
256PrescottIrene Prescottwife of Stanley H Prescott191319877437421209291The Blessed Virgin Mary
257Stanley H Prescottfirst name on the monument191419806637421209291The Blessed Virgin Mary
258RadfordLousia Radfordfirst name on the monument185819317362421234341The Blessed Virgin Mary
259RakeHenry Rakefirst name on the monument182918986989421261331The Blessed Virgin Mary
260Mary Ann Rakerelationship not given of Henry Rake182618987289421261331The Blessed Virgin Mary
261RitmanR Ritmanname on the war memorial141742251Rememberance Cross
262RoeMargaret Roefirst name on the monument1992106421278281The Blessed Virgin Mary
263SewardJames Sewardrelationship not given of Joseph Seward183019108079421251231The Blessed Virgin Mary
264Joseph Sewardfirst name on the monument180118878679421251231The Blessed Virgin Mary
265Priscilla Sewardwife of Joseph Seward180018939379421251231The Blessed Virgin Mary
266ShewardJose Shewardfirst name on the monument200397421269381The Blessed Virgin Mary
267William Shewardbrother of Jose Sheward200397421269381The Blessed Virgin Mary
268StoneJoyce Alice Stonerelationship not given of Albert Edward Gay192219947224421196261The Blessed Virgin Mary
269L Stonename on the war memorial141746021Rememberance Cross
270TaylorAlice Taylorwife of Stephen Taylor189719505378421250301The Blessed Virgin Mary
271Edith Taylorwife of H James Taylor188019567663421235321The Blessed Virgin Mary
272H James Taylorfirst name on the monument187119316063421235321The Blessed Virgin Mary
273Stephen Taylorfirst name on the monument190019494978421250301The Blessed Virgin Mary
274ThompsonBlanche Janet Thompsonwife of Edward Thompson1895195156105421277261The Blessed Virgin Mary
275C Thompsonname on the war memorial141742441Rememberance Cross
276Edward Thompsonfirst name on the monument1883195067105421277261The Blessed Virgin Mary
277S Thompsonname on the war memorial141746141Rememberance Cross
278TilleyBryan George Tilleyfirst name on the monument193620127653421225341The Blessed Virgin Mary
279Edith Maud Tilleywife of Thomas George Tilley18971982858421180441The Blessed Virgin Mary
280Thomas George Tilleyfirst name on the monument19071956498421180441The Blessed Virgin Mary
281Van't SantLinda Van't Santwife of Richard George Van't Sant195220115952421224371The Blessed Virgin Mary
282Richard George Van't Santfirst name on the monument195220055352421224371The Blessed Virgin Mary
283Vaughan- JonesEllen Vaughan- Jonesrelationship not given of Henry Ernest Vaughan- Jones187019376760421232171The Blessed Virgin Mary
284Henry Ernest Vaughan- Jonesfirst name on the monument186419448060421232171The Blessed Virgin Mary
285VealeE Vealename on the war memorial141742551Rememberance Cross
286VileElla Vile nee Barnesson of Edward Barnes190119767584421256411The Blessed Virgin Mary
287WarnerS Warnername on the war memorial141746261Rememberance Cross
288WarrenLeonard Warrenfirst name on the monument190519847928421200341The Blessed Virgin Mary
289Mary Warrenwife of Leonard Warren191720119428421200341The Blessed Virgin Mary
290WebbEdward Webbhusband of Rebecca Ann Webb188719718468421240341The Blessed Virgin Mary
291Rebecca Ann Webbfirst name on the monument193068421240341The Blessed Virgin Mary
292WeeksEllen Weekswife of Frank John Weeks57421229321The Blessed Virgin Mary
293Frank John Weeksfirst name on the monument186819417357421229321The Blessed Virgin Mary
294John Weeksfirst name on the monument1835190267116421288291The Blessed Virgin Mary
295Mary Weeksrelationship not given of John Weeks1839190566116421288291The Blessed Virgin Mary
296WelshLeslie Murial Campbell Welsh nee Mcintoshfirst name on the monument1920199373101421273331The Blessed Virgin Mary
297WestonAlbert John Westonhusband of Edith Weston188619678117421189251The Blessed Virgin Mary
298Edith Westonfirst name on the monument188919627317421189251The Blessed Virgin Mary

Lists of 299 names on monuments within Compton Dando cemeteries:

page start names: Adlam | Bates | Chapple | Gale | James | Pocock |

page start numbers: 1-50 | 51-100 | 101-150 | 151-200 | 201-250 | 251-299 |

Rememberance Cross

The Blessed Virgin Mary

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