List of names in alphabetic name order within St George, Bristol, England

Below are all the names that appear on the photographs or records held by the GPR for St George

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The ages given on monuments are often incorrect and so dates of birth should be consided as probable rather than actual. Please also note that all ages and dates of birth in red have been calculated and are not on the monument.

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List of names in alphabetic name order within St George, Bristol, England surnamefull namerelationshipbirth
GPR ref.viewedrequestedcemetery namenotes
251BlackburnEdward John Blackburnfirst name on the monument52323452067171Avon View
252BlackmoreAda Blackmoredaughter of Mary Sophia Blackmore225569667171Avon View (part 2)
253Ada Blackmoredaughter of Mary Sophia Blackmore225451969201Avon View
254Alfred Henry Herbert Blackmoreson of Mary Sophia Blackmore1908194436225451969201Avon View
255Alfred Henry Herbert Blackmoreson of Mary Sophia Blackmore1908194436225569667171Avon View (part 2)
256Amy Blackmoredaughter of Mary Sophia Blackmore225569667171Avon View (part 2)
257Amy Blackmoredaughter of Mary Sophia Blackmore225451969201Avon View
258Harry Blackmorehusband of Mary Sophia Blackmore1872196189225569667171Avon View (part 2)
259Harry Blackmoreson of Mary Sophia Blackmore225451969201Avon View
260Harry Blackmoreson of Mary Sophia Blackmore225569667171Avon View (part 2)
261Harry Blackmorehusband of Mary Sophia Blackmore1872196189225451969201Avon View
262Mary Sophia Blackmorefirst name on the monument1876192650225451969201Avon View
263Mary Sophia Blackmorefirst name on the monument1876192650225569667171Avon View (part 2)
264BlanningSarah Ann Blanningfirst name on the monument189819586065795018231Avon View (part 4)
265Will Henry Blanninghusband of Sarah Ann Blanning188419627865795018231Avon View (part 4)
266BobbettA H Bobbettfirst name on the monument186319175474451818121Avon View
267A H Bobbettfirst name on the monument186319175474569516111Avon View (part 2)
268Arthur Bobbettfather of Frances Emily Bobbett1898197476113569555301Avon View (part 2)
269Arthur Bobbettfather of Frances Emily Bobbett1898197476113451857381Avon View
270Frances Emily Bobbettfirst name on the monument1927194114113569555301Avon View (part 2)
271Frances Emily Bobbettfirst name on the monument1927194114113451857381Avon View
272May Bobbettmother of Frances Emily Bobbett1897199295113569555301Avon View (part 2)
273May Bobbettmother of Frances Emily Bobbett1897199295113451857381Avon View
274BondFlora Bondfirst name on the monument187219285623356967571Avon View (part 2)
275Flora Bondfirst name on the monument187219285623345197791Avon View
276James Bondhusband of Flora Bond186819376923356967571Avon View (part 2)
277James Bondson of Flora Bond189819171923356967571Avon View (part 2)
278James Bondhusband of Flora Bond186819376923345197791Avon View
279James Bondson of Flora Bond189819171923345197791Avon View
280Leslie Bryant Bondson of Flora Bond190719706323345197791Avon View
281Leslie Bryant Bondson of Flora Bond190719706323356967571Avon View (part 2)
282BoobyerW P Boobyerfirst name on the monument1918366452110191Avon View
283W P Boobyerfirst name on the monument1918366569808171Avon View (part 2)
284BorkiewiczRyszgard Zbigniew Borkiewiczfirst name on the monument195520145941642889281Avon View (part 3)
285BosherCharles Bosherfirst name on the monument1842191270227569669121Avon View (part 2)
286Charles Bosherfirst name on the monument1842191270227451971161Avon View
287Charles H Bosherson of Charles Bosher1873191643227451971161Avon View
288Charles H Bosherson of Charles Bosher1873191643227569669121Avon View (part 2)
289Elizabeth Bosherwife of Charles Bosher1842193189227569669121Avon View (part 2)
290Elizabeth Bosherwife of Charles Bosher1842193189227451971161Avon View
291Frank S Bosherson of Charles Bosher1880191535227451971161Avon View
292Frank S Bosherson of Charles Bosher1880191535227569669121Avon View (part 2)
293Melita Bosherfirst name on the monument1885195974106642955261Avon View (part 3)
294William Gilbert Bosherhusband of Melita Bosher1882196785106642955261Avon View (part 3)
295BoucherEmily Boucherrelationship not known of Mary Ann Boucher84569526211Avon View (part 2)
296Emily Boucherrelationship not given of Mary Ann Boucher84451828191Avon View
297Henry Boucherson of Mary Ann Boucher189919181984451828191Avon View
298Henry Boucherson of Mary Ann Boucher189919181984569526211Avon View (part 2)
299Mary Ann Boucherfirst name on the monument186119367584569526211Avon View (part 2)
300Mary Ann Boucherfirst name on the monument186119367584451828191Avon View

Lists of 3389 names on monuments within St George cemeteries:

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St George

St Michael on the Mount

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