List of names in alphabetic name order within Garvald, East Lothian, Scotland

Below are all the names that appear on the photographs or records held by the GPR for Garvald

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The ages given on monuments are often incorrect and so dates of birth should be consided as probable rather than actual. Please also note that all ages and dates of birth in red have been calculated and are not on the monument.

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List of names in alphabetic name order within Garvald, East Lothian, Scotland surnamefull namerelationshipbirth
GPR ref.viewedrequestedcemetery namenotes
101CrosbieJames Crosbieson of John Crosbie1863G4371481191Garvald Kirk
102John Crosbiefirst name on the monument1807187265G4371481191Garvald Kirk
103John Crosbieson of John Crosbie1880G4371481191Garvald Kirk
104Margaret Nivison Crosbie nee Finlaywife of John Crosbie1815188974G4371481191Garvald Kirk
105CunninghamJames Cunninghamrelationship not given of James Cunningham1814187056G83371559221Garvald Kirk
106James Cunninghamfirst name on the monument1777184972G83371559221Garvald Kirk
107Robert Cunninghamrelationship not given of James Cunningham1805185550G83371559221Garvald Kirk
108CurrieWilhelmina Currie nee Bainfirst name on the monument1877192043G108392293151Garvald Kirk
109William Curriehusband of Wilhelmina Currie1868194779G108392293151Garvald Kirk
110William Curriehusband of Wilhelmina CurrieG108392293151Garvald Kirk
111DalgleishAlexander Dalgleishrelationship not given of William Christie1818187557G71371547111Garvald Kirk
112Janet Christie Dalgleishrelationship not given of William Christie1862188321G71371547111Garvald Kirk
113Margaret Dalgleish nee Turnerrelationship not given of William Christie1831187948G71371547111Garvald Kirk
114Roberta Dalgleishrelationship not given of Alexander Turner1869194576G70371546111Garvald Kirk
115DavidsonJames Davidsonfirst name on the monument1765182661G16371493121Garvald Kirk
116Janet Davidson nee Wilsonwife of James Davidson1788185567G16371493121Garvald Kirk
117DemsterHenny Demster nee Romaniesfirst name on the monument1738182486G35371511142Garvald Kirk
118DenholmDavid Denholmfirst name on the monument1918G107392284141Garvald Kirk
119DicksonAlexander Dicksonfather of James Dickson1868195486G91392265141Garvald Kirk
120Archibald Dicksonson of Archibald Dickson1792186472G18371495171Garvald Kirk
121Archibald Dicksonfirst name on the monument1848G18371495171Garvald Kirk
122Edith Dicksonsister of James Dickson1920199474G91392265141Garvald Kirk
123Elizabeth Dicksondaughter of Jane Dickson1858191153G64371540141Garvald Kirk
124James Dicksonfirst name on the monument1942G91392265141Garvald Kirk
125James Dicksonfirst name on the monument1942G107392292101Garvald Kirk
126Jane Dickson nee Smailfirst name on the monument1887G64371540141Garvald Kirk
127Margaret Dickson nee Shortdaughter-in-law of Archibald Dickson1795187782G18371495171Garvald Kirk
128Sarah Dickson nee Dawsonmother of James Dickson1875195277G91392265141Garvald Kirk
129William Dicksonhusband of Jane Dickson1896G64371540141Garvald Kirk
130DishingtonElspeth Dishingtonson-in-law of John Butler75G60371536211Garvald Kirk
131DodsAlison Dodswife of John Dods1705178277G7371484131Garvald Kirk
132Ann Dods nee Whinfieldwife of James Dods1798187476G837148581Garvald Kirk
133Elizabeth Dodswife of George DodsG90392264141Garvald Kirk
134Elizabeth Dodsrelationship not given of John Dods1802185755G7371484131Garvald Kirk
135George Dodsfirst name on the monument1842190361G90392264141Garvald Kirk
136George Dodshusband of Mary Dods1734182288G5371482101Garvald Kirk
137James Dodsfirst name on the monument1788186678G837148581Garvald Kirk
138John Dodsfirst name on the monument1900G6371483111Garvald Kirk
139John Dodsrelationship not given of John Dods1667173063G6371483111Garvald Kirk
140John Dodsfirst name on the monument1700178080G7371484131Garvald Kirk
141John Dodsrelationship not given of John Dods1785186984G7371484131Garvald Kirk
142John Dodsrelationship not given of John Dods1822189674G7371484131Garvald Kirk
143John Dodsrelationship not given of John Dods1628168860G6371483111Garvald Kirk
144John Dodsson of John Dods1739182485G7371484131Garvald Kirk
145Margaret Dodsdaughter of John Dods1736181680G7371484131Garvald Kirk
146Marion Dods nee Downiewife of John Dods1906G6371483111Garvald Kirk
147Mary Dodsfirst name on the monument1758182163G5371482101Garvald Kirk
148Thomas Dodsson of Mary Dods1788183042G5371482101Garvald Kirk
149DouglasMargret Douglasfirst name on the monument1780182040G6637154291Garvald Kirk
150FisherMargaret Fisherrelationship not given of Janet Whigham1786185266G30371507201Garvald Kirk

Lists of 369 names on monuments within Garvald cemeteries:

page start names: Aitchison | Bolton | Craig | Fisher | Johnston | Pond | Shillinglaw | Welsh |

page start numbers: 1-50 | 51-100 | 101-150 | 151-200 | 201-250 | 251-300 | 301-350 | 351-369 |

Garvald Kirk

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