List of names in alphabetic name order within Colchester, Essex, England

Below are all the names that appear on the photographs or records held by the GPR for Colchester

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The ages given on monuments are often incorrect and so dates of birth should be consided as probable rather than actual. Please also note that all ages and dates of birth in red have been calculated and are not on the monument.

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List of names in alphabetic name order within Colchester, Essex, England surnamefull namerelationshipbirth
GPR ref.viewedrequestedcemetery namenotes
1351LayCharlotte Laydaughter of Edward Lay1809183021Col HT P061535713121Holy Trinity
1352Edward Layfirst name on the monument1782184563Col HT P061535713121Holy Trinity
1353Emma Sarah Layfirst name on the monument180618115Col StNic p108352995151St Nicholas
1354John Sarjant Layhusband of Anne Lay1779185778Col HT P097535747141Holy Trinity
1355Sarah Laymother of Emma Sarah LayCol StNic p108352995151St Nicholas
1356LaysillElizabeth Laysillfirst name on the monument1750179343Col HT P031535684101Holy Trinity
1357LayzellElizabeth Ann Layzellwife of William Layzell1798184446Col StNic p026352916251St Nicholas
1358Frederick Layzellson-in-law of Edward LayCol HT P061535713121Holy Trinity
1359Sophia Layzell nee Laydaughter of Edward Lay1819184425Col HT P061535713121Holy Trinity
1360William Layzellfirst name on the monument1790183545Col StNic p026352916251St Nicholas
1361LeatherdaleJohn Leatherdalefirst name on the monument1887196679Leatherdale1335817301St Michael
1362LeggettDaniel Leggettfather of Golding LeggettCol HT P100535750441Holy Trinity
1363Golding Leggettfirst name on the monument1821184524Col HT P100535750441Holy Trinity
1364Mary Leggettmother of Golding LeggettCol HT P100535750441Holy Trinity
1365LeighJames Leighfirst name on the monument1775180530Martin p30505946131St Martin
1366Thomas Leighfather-in-law of Yorick SmythiesMartin p01505918131St Martin
1367LennartzHildegard Johanna Lennartzfirst name on the monument1912200189Lennartz1335675341St Michael
1368LeshiJames Leshifather of James LeshiCol Slen p032290290221St Leonard at the Hythe
1369James Leshifirst name on the monument180718081Col Slen p032290290221St Leonard at the Hythe
1370Jennet Leshimother of James LeshiCol Slen p032290290221St Leonard at the Hythe
1371LeveridgeEmily Alice Leveridgefirst name on the monumentLeveridge1335760281St Michael
1372LevettP W Levettname on the war memorialCol Sbot subscription list17416851St Botolph War Memorial
1373LewisDoreen-jane Lewisfirst name on the monument1935199863Lewis1336005341St Michael
1374E H Lewisname on the war memorialCol Sbot subscription list17416761St Botolph War Memorial
1375Edward Copping Little Lewisfirst name on the monument1820183515Col Slen p116290369331St Leonard at the Hythe
1376Francis Lewishusband of Mary LewisCol Sbot P081237501191St Botolph
1377Francis Lewisfather of Edward Copping Little LewisCol Slen p116290369331St Leonard at the Hythe
1378Hortensia Lewisfirst name on the monument1759184687Col Sbot P042237478181St Botolph
1379John Lewisfirst name on the monument1768185284Col Sbot P049237484201St Botolph
1380Mary Lewisfirst name on the monument1792182028Col Sbot P081237501191St Botolph
1381Mary Lewismother of Edward Copping Little LewisCol Slen p116290369331St Leonard at the Hythe
1382William Lewishusband of Hortensia Lewis1768185082Col Sbot P042237478181St Botolph
1383LewseyLouisa Ann Lewseyfirst name on the monument1847192780Lewsey1336012441St Michael
1384LilleyEdmund Lilleyfirst name on the monument1733179865Martin p16505932251St Martin
1385F D Lilleyname on the war memorialCol Sbot subscription list174169111St Botolph War Memorial
1386Hannah Lilleywife of Edmund Lilley1753180552Martin p16505932251St Martin
1387LingwoodIsaac Lingwoodhusband of Mary Ann LingwoodCol Sbot G30174212101St Botolph
1388Isaac Lingwoodhusband of Mary Ann LingwoodCol Sbot G30237436131St Botolph
1389Mary Ann Lingwoodfirst name on the monument1798184345Col Sbot G30174212101St Botolph
1390Mary Ann Lingwoodfirst name on the monument1798184345Col Sbot G30237436131St Botolph
1391Rosetta Lingwooddaughter of Mary Ann Lingwood1832185422Col Sbot G30237436131St Botolph
1392Rosetta Lingwooddaughter of Mary Ann Lingwood1832185422Col Sbot G30174212101St Botolph
1393LittellWilliam Littellfirst name on the monument1800183737Col Sbot G1923742371St Botolph
1394LoatesGeorge Samuel Loatesfirst name on the monument1920200383Loates1352813291St Michael
1395George Samuel Loatesfirst name on the monument1920200383Loates1335983341St Michael
1396Violet Pamela Loates nee Havardwife of George Samuel Loates1921201089Loates1335983341St Michael
1397Violet Pamela Loates nee Havardwife of George Samuel Loates1921201089Loates1352813291St Michael
1398LockMichael James Lockfirst name on the monument1936200165Lock2335993261St Michael
1399Tracey Jane Lockfirst name on the monument1964198016Lock1335625311St Michael
1400LockeH W Lockename on the war memorialColchester war m left17407561St Botolph War Memorial

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