List of names in alphabetic name order within Willunga, South Australia, Australia

Below are all the names that appear on the photographs or records held by the GPR for Willunga

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The ages given on monuments are often incorrect and so dates of birth should be consided as probable rather than actual. Please also note that all ages and dates of birth in red have been calculated and are not on the monument.

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List of names in alphabetic name order within Willunga, South Australia, Australia surnamefull namerelationshipbirth
GPR ref.viewedrequestedcemetery namenotes
2601WilsonMark Wilsonson of Donald Hero Wilson60 Donald Hero Wilson200850171St Joseph Catholic
2602Patricia Wilsondaughter of Donald Hero Wilson60 Donald Hero Wilson200850171St Joseph Catholic
2603Raymond Wilsonson of Donald Hero Wilson60 Donald Hero Wilson200850171St Joseph Catholic
2604WoodIsabella Stewart Woodfirst name on the monument191977 Isabella Stewart Wood200537351St Stephen Anglican
2605Kathryn Woodsister of Patrick Allan Wood129 Patrick Allan Wood200920271St Joseph Catholic
2606Margaret Woodmother of Patrick Allan Wood129 Patrick Allan Wood200920271St Joseph Catholic
2607Margaret Woodfirst name on the monument184919025355 Margaret Wood200514271St Stephen Anglican
2608Max Woodfather of Patrick Allan Wood129 Patrick Allan Wood200920271St Joseph Catholic
2609Patrick Allan Woodfirst name on the monument198619926129 Patrick Allan Wood200920271St Joseph Catholic
2610Richard Woodbrother of Patrick Allan Wood129 Patrick Allan Wood200920271St Joseph Catholic
2611T Woodhusband of Margaret Wood55 Margaret Wood200514271St Stephen Anglican
2612William Woodhusband of Isabella Stewart Wood77 Isabella Stewart Wood200537351St Stephen Anglican
2613WrightBeatrice May Wrightfirst name on the monument1878190325101 Beatrice May Wright200561151St Stephen Anglican
2614David Wrighthusband of Fanny Wright185219348262 Fanny Wright200521211St Stephen Anglican
2615Fanny Wrightfirst name on the monument186719205362 Fanny Wright200521211St Stephen Anglican
2616Thomas Wrightfirst husband of Phyllis Margaret Dickeson222 Phyllis Margaret Dickeson200684191St Stephen Anglican
2617William John Wrighthusband of Beatrice May Wright1868194678101 Beatrice May Wright200561151St Stephen Anglican
2618YoultonAmelia Youltonwife of John S Youlton8 John S Youlton200468271St Stephen Anglican
2619Ernest Youltonson of John S Youlton8 John S Youlton200468271St Stephen Anglican
2620Henry Youltonson of John S Youlton8 John S Youlton200468271St Stephen Anglican
2621John S Youltonfirst name on the monument18341899658 John S Youlton200468271St Stephen Anglican

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