Gravestone Photographs Resource breadcrumb list for grave 716920Details of grave number 716920 at Municipal (Methodist section) East Maitland for Garth Walburn Pryke

Garth Walburn Pryke grave monument in Municipal (Methodist section) cemetery, East Maitland, New South Wales, Australia

Garth Walburn Pryke grave monument: legible names and details

full nameburial
Garth Walburn Pryke
Joan Estelle Pryke
2012821930wife of Garth Walburn Pryke

Breadcrumb trail images to help find Garth Walburn Pryke grave location

(10 thumbnails before and after the grave with GPR number 716920)

The following thumbnail images are the 10 taken before and 10 after the one for Garth Walburn Pryke was taken.

The grave monument thumbnail image for Garth Walburn Pryke below has a background colour of green to help identify it.

Hopefully some of these thumbnails will help you locate the Garth Walburn Pryke grave.

image: 503
grave: 716910
Ina Ethelda May Mackay
image number 503
image: 504
grave: 716911
Alice Rachel Parker
image number 504
image: 505
grave: 716912
Leslie Howard Parker
image number 505
image: 506
grave: 716913
James Norman Mate
image number 506
image: 507
grave: 716914
Allan John Rapson
image number 507
image: 508
grave: 716915
Jean Rapson
image number 508
image: 509
grave: 716916
Ruby Irene Porter
image number 509
image: 510
grave: 716917
Grahame Anthony Killen
image number 510
image: 511
grave: 716918
Leonard A Killen
image number 511
image: 512
grave: 716919
Violet U Kellaway
image number 512
image: 513
grave: 716920
Garth Walburn Pryke
image number 513
image: 514
grave: 716921
Maxwell Robert Kellaway
image number 514
image: 515
grave: 716922
James W Johnson
image number 515
image: 516
grave: 716923
Hannah S Sandow
image number 516
image: 517
grave: 716924
Florence Evelyn Brown
image number 517
image: 518
grave: 716925
Lillian Vida Gray
image number 518
image: 519
grave: 716926
Ronald F Sandow
image number 519
image: 520
grave: 716927
Harry Hodges
image number 520
image: 521
grave: 716928
A J Fletcher
image number 521
image: 522
grave: 716929
Josephine Doris Fletcher
image number 522
image: 523
grave: 716930
Keith E G Howard
image number 523

Change the number of thumbnails displayed before and after Garth Walburn Pryke grave

If you use this system to help find a grave, please let others know how well it went by using the GPR comments system.

This breadcrumb trail system was added to the GPR on 15th August 2016.