Gravestone Photographs Resource breadcrumb list for grave 501403Details of grave number 501403 at Southgate (part 2) Hornsea for Christopher Fenton

Christopher Fenton grave monument in Southgate (part 2) cemetery, Hornsea, Yorkshire, England

Christopher Fenton grave monument: legible names and details

full nameburial
Christopher Fenton
Maria Fenton
1918741844wife of Christopher Fenton

Breadcrumb trail images to help find Christopher Fenton grave location

(40 thumbnails before and after the grave with GPR number 501403)

The following thumbnail images are the 40 taken before and 40 after the one for Christopher Fenton was taken.

The grave monument thumbnail image for Christopher Fenton below has a background colour of green to help identify it.

Hopefully some of these thumbnails will help you locate the Christopher Fenton grave.

image: sg42
grave: 501363
Louis William Henderson
image number sg42
image: sg44
grave: 501364
Thomas Foster
image number sg44
image: sg46
grave: 501365
Jane Myass
image number sg46
image: sg47
grave: 501366
Richard Tomlinson
image number sg47
image: sg49
grave: 501367
Ann Peers
image number sg49
image: sg50
grave: 501368
Eliza Dawson
image number sg50
image: sg51
grave: 501369
Eliza Salmond
image number sg51
image: sg53
grave: 501370
Gordon Stewart
image number sg53
image: sg54
grave: 501371
John Heslop Whiting
image number sg54
image: sg55
grave: 501372
James Durham
image number sg55
image: sg56
grave: 501373
Bessie Harrison
image number sg56
image: sg57
grave: 501374
Alice Walker
image number sg57
image: sg58
grave: 501375
Francis Atkinson
image number sg58
image: sg59
grave: 501376
Francis Walker
image number sg59
image: sg60
grave: 501377
George Usher
image number sg60
image: sg61
grave: 501378
Rachel Stork
image number sg61
image: sg62
grave: 501379
William Byass
image number sg62
image: sg63
grave: 501380
Mary Holt
image number sg63
image: sg64
grave: 501381
Thomas Hornsey
image number sg64
image: sg66
grave: 501382
Jane Peers
image number sg66
image: sg68
grave: 501383
Charles Arthur Medforth
image number sg68
image: sg69
grave: 501384
Cuthbert Slater
image number sg69
image: sg70
grave: 501385
Jonathan Robinson
image number sg70
image: sg72
grave: 501386
Richard Curtin
image number sg72
image: sg74
grave: 501387
Alice Ada Dossor
image number sg74
image: sg76
grave: 501388
Ellen Ganderton
image number sg76
image: sg77
grave: 501389
Arthur Edwin Ganderton
image number sg77
image: sg78
grave: 501390
Sarah Ann Wood
image number sg78
image: sg79
grave: 501391
John Hirst Ainley
image number sg79
image: sg80
grave: 501392
Evelyn Naylor
image number sg80
image: sg81
grave: 501393
Daisy Knight
image number sg81
image: sg82
grave: 501394
Eliza Morton
image number sg82
image: sg85
grave: 501395
Elizabeth Hydes
image number sg85
image: sg86
grave: 501396
John Monkman
image number sg86
image: sg87
grave: 501397
Lucy Pickering
image number sg87
image: sg88
grave: 501398
Anne Evison
image number sg88
image: Southgate 001
grave: 501399
Robert Walker
image number Southgate 001
image: Southgate 003
grave: 501400
Mary Ann Hodgkinson
image number Southgate 003
image: Southgate 005
grave: 501401
Joseph Thirsk Usher
image number Southgate 005
image: Southgate 006
grave: 501402
Henry Barr
image number Southgate 006
image: Southgate 007
grave: 501403
Christopher Fenton
image number Southgate 007
image: Southgate 009
grave: 501404
Robert Bell
image number Southgate 009
image: Southgate 011
grave: 501405
Thomas George Beall
image number Southgate 011
image: Southgate 012
grave: 501406
Jane Bulson
image number Southgate 012
image: Southgate 014
grave: 501407
A B Chambers
image number Southgate 014
image: Southgate 015
grave: 501408
Sarah Bulson
image number Southgate 015
image: Southgate 017
grave: 501409
Agnes Brandham
image number Southgate 017
image: Southgate 018
grave: 501410
John Heslop
image number Southgate 018
image: Southgate 020
grave: 501411
John Hanwell
image number Southgate 020
image: Southgate 021
grave: 501412
Clara Laking
image number Southgate 021
image: Southgate 022
grave: 501413
Charlotte Greenfield
image number Southgate 022
image: Southgate 023
grave: 501414
George Ner Evison
image number Southgate 023
image: Southgate 024
grave: 501415
Henry Granger
image number Southgate 024
image: Southgate 025
grave: 501416
John Witty
image number Southgate 025
image: Southgate 026
grave: 501417
Robert Heron
image number Southgate 026
image: Southgate 027
grave: 501418
Clara Frith
image number Southgate 027

Less thumbnails will be displayed if Christopher Fenton grave photograph was takens either near the beginning or the end of the photographic session. Instead of an image you will see one or more small boxes similar to the one shown below:

If you use this system to help find a grave, please let others know how well it went by using the GPR comments system.

This breadcrumb trail system was added to the GPR on 15th August 2016.