Gravestone Photographs Resource breadcrumb list for grave 26069Details of grave number 26069 at Municipal Kiel for Donald MacInnes

Donald MacInnes grave monument in Municipal cemetery, Kiel, Perthshire, Scotland

Donald MacInnes grave monument: legible names and details

full nameburial
Donald MacInnes
Marie MacInnes
1940 daughter-in-law of Donald MacInnes
Catriona Marion Pinnock
1963 grand daughter of Donald MacInnes
Hubert Pinnock
1971 grand son-in-law of Donald MacInnes
Donald MacInnes
1899591840son of Donald MacInnes
John MacInnes
1910641846son of Donald MacInnes
Malcolm MacInnes
1929881841son of Donald MacInnes
Catherine MacInnes
1872621810wife of Donald MacInnes

Breadcrumb trail images to help find Donald MacInnes grave location

(40 thumbnails before and after the grave with GPR number 26069)

The following thumbnail images are the 40 taken before and 40 after the one for Donald MacInnes was taken.

The grave monument thumbnail image for Donald MacInnes below has a background colour of green to help identify it.

Hopefully some of these thumbnails will help you locate the Donald MacInnes grave.

image: 483
grave: 26058
John MacKinnon
image number 483
image: 485
grave: 26059
Annie MacInnes
image number 485
image: 486
grave: 26060
Mary Anderson MacInnes Burchell
image number 486
image: 487
grave: 26061
Mary MacInnes
image number 487
image: 488
grave: 26062
John MacInnes
image number 488
image: 489
grave: 26063
William MacInnes
image number 489
image: 490
grave: 26064
Roderick Anderson
image number 490
image: 492
grave: 26065
Roderick MacInnes
image number 492
image: 493
grave: 26066
Jessie MacLennan MacInnes
image number 493
image: 495
grave: 26067
Oliver F Leah
image number 495
image: 496
grave: 26068
Neil MacInnes
image number 496
image: 497
grave: 26069
Donald MacInnes
image number 497
image: 501
grave: 26070
Donald Faighney
image number 501
image: 502
grave: 26071
Lachlan MacLean
image number 502

Less thumbnails will be displayed if Donald MacInnes grave photograph was takens either near the beginning or the end of the photographic session. Instead of an image you will see one or more small boxes similar to the one shown below:

If you use this system to help find a grave, please let others know how well it went by using the GPR comments system.

This breadcrumb trail system was added to the GPR on 15th August 2016.