Gravestone Photographs Resource breadcrumb list for grave 229056Details of grave number 229056 at Old Municipal Section E Ipswich for Mary Ann Sterry

Mary Ann Sterry grave monument in Old Municipal Section E cemetery, Ipswich, Suffolk, England

Mary Ann Sterry grave monument: legible names and details

full nameburial
Mary Ann Sterry
Robert G Sterry
1892691823relationship not given of Mary Ann Sterry

Breadcrumb trail images to help find Mary Ann Sterry grave location

(10 thumbnails before and after the grave with GPR number 229056)

The following thumbnail images are the 10 taken before and 10 after the one for Mary Ann Sterry was taken.

The grave monument thumbnail image for Mary Ann Sterry below has a background colour of green to help identify it.

Hopefully some of these thumbnails will help you locate the Mary Ann Sterry grave.

image: Smith John 093
grave: 229046
John Smith
image number Smith John   093
image: Smith Mary 402
grave: 229047
Mary Smith
image number Smith Mary   402
image: Smith Susannah 524
grave: 229048
Susannah Smith
image number Smith Susannah   524
image: Smith William 210
grave: 229049
William Smith
image number Smith William   210
image: Soar Ellen 076
grave: 229050
Ellen Soar
image number Soar Ellen   076
image: Soar Violet 243
grave: 229051
Violet Soar
image number Soar Violet   243
image: Southgate Evelyn 140
grave: 229052
Evelyn Southgate
image number Southgate Evelyn   140
image: Stannard John 380
grave: 229053
John Stannard
image number Stannard John 380
image: Stannard Lucy 378
grave: 229054
Lucy Stannard
image number Stannard Lucy   378
image: Steel William 386
grave: 229055
William Steel
image number Steel William   386
image: Sterry Mary Ann 113
grave: 229056
Mary Ann Sterry
image number Sterry Mary Ann   113
image: Sterry Sarah 194
grave: 229057
Sarah Sterry
image number Sterry Sarah 194
image: Steward Alfred 027
grave: 229058
Alfred Steward
image number Steward Alfred   027
image: Stimpson Louisa Mary 003
grave: 229059
Louisa Mary Stimpson
image number Stimpson Louisa Mary   003
image: Storey Jessie M 198
grave: 229060
Jessie M Storey
image number Storey Jessie M  198
image: Stradwick Ester 250
grave: 229061
Ester Stradwick
image number Stradwick Ester 250
image: Sugars Russell H 517
grave: 229062
Russell H Sugars
image number Sugars Russell H   517
image: Sutcliffe Joseph 167
grave: 229063
Joseph Sutcliffe
image number Sutcliffe Joseph   167
image: Suthers Henry 213
grave: 229064
Henry Suthers
image number Suthers Henry   213
image: Sweetman George 553
grave: 229065
George Sweetman
image number Sweetman George   553
image: Sweetman James Edmund 494
grave: 229066
James Edmund Sweetman
image number Sweetman James Edmund   494

Change the number of thumbnails displayed before and after Mary Ann Sterry grave

If you use this system to help find a grave, please let others know how well it went by using the GPR comments system.

This breadcrumb trail system was added to the GPR on 15th August 2016.