Gravestone Photographs Resource breadcrumb list for grave 161735Details of grave number 161735 at St James Anglican Crown Hill Vespra for Arthur Demberline

Arthur Demberline grave monument in St James Anglican Crown Hill burial ground, Vespra, Ontario, Canada

Arthur Demberline grave monument: legible names and details

full nameburial
Arthur Demberline
Jessie Smith
1991861905wife of Arthur Demberline

Breadcrumb trail images to help find Arthur Demberline grave location

(10 thumbnails before and after the grave with GPR number 161735)

The following thumbnail images are the 10 taken before and 10 after the one for Arthur Demberline was taken.

The grave monument thumbnail image for Arthur Demberline below has a background colour of green to help identify it.

Hopefully some of these thumbnails will help you locate the Arthur Demberline grave.

image: ChappellFredE
grave: 161725
Frederick E Chapell
image number ChappellFredE
image: ChappellHepworth
grave: 161726
Hepworth Chappell
image number ChappellHepworth
image: ChappellJohn
grave: 161727
John H Chappell
image number ChappellJohn
image: ChappellSimon
grave: 161728
Simon Chappell
image number ChappellSimon
image: ClarkWmBill
grave: 161729
Wm Andrew Clark
image number ClarkWmBill
image: ColdwellAnn
grave: 161730
Ann Coldwell
image number ColdwellAnn
image: ColdwellMary
grave: 161731
Mary Coldwell
image number ColdwellMary
image: CougheyEdrey
grave: 161732
Edrey A Coughey
image number CougheyEdrey
image: CougheyHarry
grave: 161733
Harry Coughey
image number CougheyHarry
image: CurtisStephen
grave: 161734
Stephen Curtis
image number CurtisStephen
image: Demberline
grave: 161735
Arthur Demberline
image number Demberline
image: DemberlineAlfred
grave: 161736
Alfred E Demberline
image number DemberlineAlfred
image: DemlineWilliam
grave: 161737
William Demline
image number DemlineWilliam
image: Desledernie
grave: 161738
Moses Desledernie
image number Desledernie
image: Dinsmore
grave: 161739
Donald Ross Dinsmore
image number Dinsmore
image: Drinkwater
grave: 161740
Myrtle Isabella Rinehart
image number Drinkwater
image: DruryCatherine
grave: 161741
Catherine G Drury
image number DruryCatherine
image: DruryCharles
grave: 161742
Charles Drury
image number DruryCharles
image: DruryCharlesCarl
grave: 161743
Charles S Drury
image number DruryCharlesCarl
image: DruryClara
grave: 161744
Clara Drury
image number DruryClara
image: DruryElizabeth
grave: 161745
Elizabeth Drury
image number DruryElizabeth

Change the number of thumbnails displayed before and after Arthur Demberline grave

If you use this system to help find a grave, please let others know how well it went by using the GPR comments system.

This breadcrumb trail system was added to the GPR on 15th August 2016.