Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

Gravestone memorial images

The GPR records all the names mentioned on a grave monument. For virtually every person recorded within the GPR there is one or more images of the grave monuments where their name appears.

The GPR actually holds three different versions of these images:

  1. a thumbnail version
  2. a high quality version suitable for displaying on the website
  3. the original version taken by a volunteer

The thumbnail versions are created whenever a new cemetery is added to the resource. These thumbnails are typically about 8kb in size and so do not take long to load on whatever web page they are displayed upon.

The high quality versions are also created whenever a new cemetery is added. They are usually between 300 and 500Kb and are usually sufficiently detailed to suit most people who request them.

Occasionally, the monument is either in very poor condition and difficult to read or else contains a large amount of small text. The latter is often found on monuments within a church. When people have difficulty read a monument, they often contact the GPR for help. This is where the original images taken by a volunteer become usefully and can be sent to the person requesting help.

When photographing a cemetery, the GPR asks volunteers to use the highest quality setting on their camera. This now means that the image are now often over 10Mb is size.

There are many security copies of all three version of images which are stored on different machines and in different locations.

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Gravestone Photographic Resource (GPR)

An international directory of grave, tomb, war and other death memorials.

© copyright Gravestone Photographic Resource 1998 - 2024

Running free of charge for 26 years!